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Every generation thinks they are the first to discover certain things. Sometimes it is actually true, and sometimes it is just a kind of arrogance. Take essential oils for example. There are people who feel that it was the Baby Boomers who gave new rise to the whole oils-natural-wellness kind of living, but using essential oils has been a part of mankind for thousands of years.

The thing about essential oils is that we keep on rediscovering them, and that is pretty cool, to be frank. I love the idea of people getting back in touch with more ancient traditions. Western (read: modern) medicine has a lot of advantages, and it has done some amazing things. No doubt about that. Modern medical science notwithstanding, we could all learn a lot from the medicine men and shamans of old.

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Alternative medicine is what we call the Chinese and Indian traditions, when it is actually the other way around. It is the modern medicine which is the alternative one, however you look at it. Well, that is just a pet peeve of mine. I actually do respect both ways a great deal, and I find ways of using both.

Essential oils such as sage and lavender are amazing. Peppermint, evening primrosse, rosemary, and so many others are consttantly on lists of ‘must have’ household items. They have so many benefits, and when used properly and in moderation, zero side-effects. Day-to-day uses are the best kinds. Replacing toxins and harmful chemicals with the natural riches of the earth is just good sense. Nursing and pregnant women should steer clear of certain oils, as should small children. Otherwise, though - unless you know of a specific allergy or condition - just use them. They were put here for our use, and it would be a shame to not let nature be the healer it is meant to be. More at Maple Holistics

Obviously, the best way to use nature would be to let your food by your medicine, as many ancient traditions teach. But, if you are afflicted with something, by all means get it diagnosed by an M.D., and then see what can be done about it by using other methods of healing, as well as modern approaches. These days, the options are totally yours, and there are some medical insurance policies which grant this, and see it as a viable method of taking care of ailments.

This is crucial, because soon enough we are going to have a world where people are so plugged in, they will be having even less contact with the earth and with nature. So it is important to learn top reconnect, especially at times when your body is sending you signals that is out of balance.

Using essential oils is great, from falling alseep with lavender, to sprinkling rosemary into your bath water. Keep away mosquitos and other pests with citronella and tea tree oil, and spread love with jasmine or clary sage. So many options, and it just keeps on getting better and better.

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