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KEY Club Goldfish
Last Update on Saturday, September 29, 2007 6:19 PM


KEY Club International
>Get all the information you need on KEY Club
Event Calendar
>Get Information on the service projects for the upcomming month.
>Everything you need like KEY In's and Divisional Newsletters
>Information on about our school KEY Club
>All the links you could possibly need to get information
Spirit Cheers

>Cheers that are used in spirit battles and of coursefor Fall Rally
Contacting any of the Board Members

>Just click on their name and it will email them. Also click on the position name and it will link you to their own page and you can learn more about them.

September 25,2007

Wow! It is a new school year already and now its time to get back to serving with the whole school! I will be in the process of changing the site but teh design will not be out till a little later.

Anyways there are a couple of events comming up. Please check the event page for more details

August 26,2007

Hey everyone! Sadly this summer is ending but we still got one more big event on August 29, 2007. It is the Help the Teacher Event! Please sign up for anytime that day and I repeat you do not need to stay all day. This event is done in shifts, so please email Dillon if you want to participate. One more thing! Have a great last week of summer! :

August 9,2007

I don’t know about you guys, but I think this vacation was a little too short! But besides that, we have a whole lot of events this month! Our main one is the “Help The Teacher” event. For more information on that please go look at the events calendar. By the way the pre-sale for the divisional shirts are over, but you can still buy them for $10. Remember to sign up for the KCHOC Dance marathon and Light The Night Walk! Keep on having a great summer!

JULY 30, 2007

Hey everyone that actually knows about this! The new events are up so please try to go to them. There will be more events for this month later on. So, there are quiet a few updates you should know. The new Divisional Shirts are out and we are currently having a presale for them. They are $9.00 before August 9 and $10 after August 9. So please buy one! Also please register for the upcoming walks and start fundraising! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

JULY 16, 2007

I hope everyone’s summer is going well. I’m working on getting a photo gallery up here and an events list so you can see what events there was this KEY Club year. I have also made the spirit cheers section. Now I am working on getting all the board profiles up. Have a great summer and sign up for service activities.

JULY 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you guys having a great time over the summer! there will be more updates with this later on.

JUNE 27, 2007

Ok seriously this is like a better design than the other one, but yeah were still working on things so just give us awhile. Misa will be doing the design and so will Sonya, but I will be handling the web techical stuff so just wait awhile and then I can get you guys everything you need on here and ready to go.

We will be have an events page and a memberspage so you can look up your points and trust me you will love to see your points.


Tammy Tran

Kristy Xu

Shera Kwak
Ashley Wu
Alex Young
Misa Nguyen
Dillon Gamboa
Sonya Lee
Francine Biscocho
Tracy Ninh
Bryan Xie
To be appointed
To be appointed

    Updated by: Dillon Gamboa