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The Green Bay Packers

Location Green Bay, Wisconsin
Division North Division of the National Football Conference in the National Football League
Hall of Fame Herb Adderley, Tony Canadeo, Willie Davis, Forrest Gregg, Arnie Herber, Clarke Hinkle, Paul Hornung, Cal Hubbard, Don Hutson, Henry Jordan, Earl(Curly) Lambeau, James Lofton, Vince Lombardi, Johnny "Blood" McNally, Mike Michalske, Ray Nitschke, Jim Ringo, Bart Starr, Jim Taylor, Reggie White, and Willie Wood
Retired Numbers 14 Hutson, 3 Canadeo, 15 Starr, 66 Nitschke, and 92 White
Fun Fact Packers fans are often referred to as cheeseheads.
Key Player Aaron Rodgers