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Read Me!

some stuff you might like to know...
Can I edit the variables? Yes you can, you can change the hex codes, fonts, borders... whatever you like. However, I wouldn't recommend changing the base layout coding unless you're quite experienced, if it goes wrong that's 100% your problem!

Crediting? You do not have to keep the credit on the main page, you can move it to a "credits" page if you like. No claiming you made the layout though.

I need help? Should you have further questions about the coding, or if you get a little confused trying to incorporate anything into the layout you can e-mail me at I'll always try to help :)

What am I downloading?

what you get in the .zip
Bullet An Index page. (.php)
Bullet A Header page. (.php)
Bullet A Footer page. (.php)
Bullet A Stylesheet (.CSS)
Bullet All the revelant images (.PNG)

I have saved the pages in .php as that is what most people use. If you do not know how to use php includes I suggest you learn, it makes your site much easier to maintain.

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3 - Sidebar header

Header 4

Header 5

Header 6

Top of page

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