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Why do coupes cost more to insure than sedans? Do you think about insurance costs when looking to buy a car? Probably not. However, you should know that for less legroom you could be spending an extra $200-300 a year on car insurance. That’s $16-25 a month extra just for two less doors.


For instance, a 2013 Honda Civic DX Sedan has an average yearly insurance cost of $1,354 ( On the other hand, the Civic DX Coupe costs on average of $1,548/yr...a $194/yr price increase. That price difference is enough to pay for a gym membership...are you gonna quit the gym so you could afford to drive a coupe?


Next time you’re shopping for a car, remember, size does matter. Coupes cost more to insure because of the drivers that are associated with them. Drivers who like coupes typically like to drive fast. Insurers use all the data they’ve gathered over the years and look at which types of cars get into the most/worst accidents. Guess which cars are the worst...coupes, also known as sports cars.

The bodystyle of your vehicle is just one of many factors an insurance company considers when deciding your premium...but it’s an important one. Think about your insurance costs before you buy your next car, it could save you a lot.


Tip: Get car insurance quotes from multiple providers and compare. Make sure you have the coverage you need first, then focus on the price of your insurance quotes second. Shopping around for car insurance could save you hundreds of dollars a month.