This is an adult chat site and may contain adult images, sexual topics, and language. You MUST be 18 or older to enter. If you are not at least 18 years of age, we request that you visit another site. By clicking the entrance link, you declare that you are at least 18. Age is based on USA standards. The management is not responsible for the content placed on the site by individuals.

Anonymous names including lines, dots etc., are not acceptable, Pick a name before you enter. We do like to know who we are talking too. Use the “squelch” feature for unwanted conversations.

There will be NO drama or BS in this room. Anyone starting any drama or BS will be immediately removed.

AVs are welcomed, if you'd rather not see them, please use the disable image option. We ask AVs be a Maximum height: 350 pixels. Over size pictures may be blocked out.

Child porn, bestiality, water sports and scat pictures are not permitted.