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Training Videos for Safety: Six Reminders on Being Safe

Modern conveniences are making life more livable. I wouldn’t volunteer being transported back in time when there were no computers, online stores, smartphones, microwave ovens, TV, automobiles, and other things that I now enjoy.

With all the cool stuff and gadgets around, it is still important to be safe. Carmakers, for instance, have come up with so many hi-tech safety devices but road accidents still happen. In fact, thousands of people die from vehicle-related accidents every year.

Be safe. Here are just a few and simple reminders on how to do so.

Alcohol and drugs can cause you more harm than good. They may seem fun in the beginning, but as they take control of your mind and emotions, you lose awareness of what’s going on around you. You can fall into a ditch, or worse, outside a building window. You also become an easy target for mugging.

Sex may be good but it can be very, very bad. Practice safe sex and if you can, practice it only with the person you love. It is called “making love” after all.

Don’t talk to strangers. Yes, this reminder is not just for children. When having a good time, it is always safer to be with people you know very well and will not take advantage of you. Do not accept anything – drinks, food, bags, money, etc. – from people you don’t know.

Keep learning. You live a safer life not only when you are with people you know but also when you are in situations and places you know. In other words, continue to learn more things about anything at all. Ignorance is bad for your health.

Stay on your toes. You don’t know when a bad thing could happen. All you know is that it can happen anytime, especially when you put down your guard. Be mindful about what’s going on around you especially when you’re in a dark, unfamiliar place.

Follow regulations and standards. When at work, there are health and safety standards set forth by your bosses. They stand for something and you shouldn’t be too lazy to observe them. Wear your helmet, protective goggles, take necessary breaks, and so on.

If you wish to know more about industrial and work-related safety, get training videos for safety online. There are a few at