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I am very interested in guitar. Guitar is pretty much my life. I started guitar about a year ago and since then its been all I have. I learned a lot on guitar, I'm self taught besides a guitar methods class. Guitar has helped me get through tough times, and probably more.


Friends are very important, they are pretty much my only family. they talk me out of stuff, talk me through stuff, and help me out when I need it most. they will be by my side till the end and we will have fun along the way.

B.C. Rich Warlock


Video Games

I grew up playing video games, and they still are part of my life. its something to do when hanging out with friends. I don't play near as much as I used to but I do still play. Guitar Hero was a major influence on my life, its what got me interested in guitar. now I don't play now than I'm good at guitar. but a game I do play all the time with friends is Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2.


I love to make, listen, and admire music. I listen to a somewhat hard to listen to music genre. that is death metal, you need a select ear to listen to it. the reason I listen to it is because I love to emotion it expresses. it takes guitar, drums, bass, and vocals and hits you wear no other music will. I love this music because it releases anger without violence.

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Guitar PlayingMany Band Names






Created By: Mckenzi Rummelt
