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Return From Ruin

The scene opens up to show Chad from the back in a room surrounded by others.

Chad Evans: "My name is Chad Evans... And... I am God."

The others in the room stared at him, all giving him weird looks. Chad was in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for the first time in his life and after sitting through a painful twenty minute session so far he was being given the chance to talk. When the others realized he wasn't continuing one of them threw out a question.

"... Why are you here?"

Chad Evans: "Why am I here? What's with the tone? You talk like my presence is not causing you to shake in your shoes, scared to death you'll embarrass yourself. Shame, you already have."

"... No. Not really. Why are you here?"

Chad Evans: "... Disrespectful little shit. If you must know I run a television network, and apparently all of the blasphemers that work for me, the peasants who hold stock with my company, and the viewers feel I am an irresponsible alcoholic who is running it to the ground. My stupid assistant feels I need to take steps in restoring order, and one is attending this little meeting here since I refuse to become a silent owner. However I can already tell by looking around the room here today I have absolutely nothing in common with any of you. You're all pathetic. Worthless. Why you all haven't come here and committed mass suicide I don't know. Or care."

"Then leave!"


"Piss off you asshole!"

Chad Evans: "No. Damn it I told my assistant I would take this seriously so I am going to try. Here goes. I am God. I... Drink. I am not an alcoholic. Alcoholics are weak minded individuals with no self worth or preservation. You all are illogical creatures seeking self destruction. You all have such short lives. I am immortal, so so what if I drink a little from time to time? I am not hurting me. I also have control over what I do."

Chad reached down and pulled out an open bottle of Johnny Walker from where he was standing. He raised it up and took a gulp of it before continuing.

Chad Evans: "I have no issues, I do not need this. But I like it. Just like all of you. So sure, we have that in common. Just you all let it ruin you. Not me though. I can't be ruined."

The camera now spins around to show him from the front. He is a pale, unkempt mess. Months of pill popping, nonstop drinking binges, having unprotected sex with street hookers, escorts, and any other thing with a vagina that was willing, a poor sleeping schedule, and being passed out half of the time has started to take a toll on his appearance. The people in the room stared hard at Chad like he was absolutely insane. He was 30 and looked like he was going on 50.

"Look in the mirror you psycho retard."

Chad Evans: "... Did you just call me a psycho retard? And did you tell me to look in a mirror? I love my reflection, but damn it the time for admiration is not here."

There happened to be a mirror in the room to his right which he glanced at. He didn't see what the others did. He was perfect in his mind regardless. He looked again anyways for kicks. He took a minute to really look.

Chad Evans: "So what am I looking for you worthless... Heh... Is that a line on-... Heh..."

He looked closer. Stepping closer to it he really considered when it was that he last really took a look. Now it hurt. Like any individual who just saw something he didn't like he- Well he wasn't the typical individual.

Chad Evans: "....... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... HA... Ha... Ha..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chad Evans: "I need your help."

Cid Turner: "For what?"

Chad Evans: "You're the only mortal I deem worthy. Only you could assist your Heavenly Father in this time of crisis."

Cid Turner: "... Again. What do you need?"

Match Information: vs. Someone Unimportant, Singles Match || Those Who Reached Heaven & Were Turned Back From The Pearly Gates: Everyone damn it. Especially Chris Lawler