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Moving to Cleveland is going to be the best choice for me and my husband. We are both moving to this area because we are looking to get better jobs and I would like to be able to go back to school to get my degree. We currently live in a very small town that does not offer much in terms of jobs and education. Moving to Cleveland is going to help us start our careers and get exactly what we want out of life. Plus, it's going to be nice to actually live right where we happen to be working.

Where we live right now, we have to commute for about an hour just to get to our jobs. It is exhausting and it's extremely expensive in terms of gas. When we move to Cleveland, we're going to be so close to our jobs that we might even be able to bike to work to save money on gas. Our first step before moving was to secure new jobs and make sure that we will have money coming in to support ourselves. The next step is to look for the best apartments in Shaker Heights  that we can find.

I'm noticing that most of the apartments in this area are quite inexpensive and will be easy for both me and my husband to afford. This means that we will be able to support ourselves with our jobs alone and neither one of us will need to get a second job. I am looking forward to being able to begin my career and I also cannot wait to start school next semester. This is going to be the best change for us that I think we can make because it means more opportunity for the both of us to grow in our careers.