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Welcome to My Tapedia!!!

The internet's one and only tape information sticky spot.

Welcome one and all to my Tapedia! This is my school computer application's class project and out of all the things I could do this on, I chose tape. Within this site I will provide you information about tape and when I'm through with you you'll know all that I've learned while researching this! Muahahaha! But seriously this is an informational site about tape so if you have time to waste, site back and read!

Tape's history

History is held together by the stickiness of tape. Some of you may have heard that duct tape is like the force. It has a dark side, a light side, and it holds the universe together! There have been accounts about the simplest kind of tape, an animal hide with some sap, being used by Socrates to patch a hole in his roof. That's a long while ago!

Types of tape

God knows how many types of tape there are! They come in all colors, shapes, sizes, degrees of stickiness, uses, and how much, long, and strong they hold! Here I will inform you of most all these traits in a table form, pictures included!!

Uses of tape

Lets see how you'll be using this awesome device of stickiness. There are many things to make and do ranging from fixing your english essay and taping your sister's mouth shut at the same time to making a home made baby mount!

Page creation: May 13,2009 Page Modified: May 21, 2009

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