CCNA Exam Answers
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Hey everyone. All answers for CCNA 4 Exam Modules should be here. Also, the answers for the practice final for CCNA 4. Hopefully ill have the stuff for 1,2,3 up soon. still lookin.

Once you click on the link below you will be taken to a page full of quesitons. The BOLD answers are the correct ones. Use your browsers find feature (usually CTRL + F) then just copy the quesiton during your exam into the FIND box. Do not put a space after quesiton marks or before the question. sometimes you can copy too far. Otherwise the answer may not be found. It will automatically highlight the question for you. Double click the top of the browser bar in order to make your CISCO EXAM window smaller. (the big blue one at the top of the screen in Internet Explorer) Use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste because right clicking will be disabled.

CCNA 4 tests and practice final answers