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My Father

My Family My Life

My father was born Febuary 12, 1957, in Florida. He was the youngest of only two children. Much about his childhood is unknown to me, I do when he was little most of his family's property was lost to a horrible house fire, including pictures and valuables. Much of what I know my mother has told me. My father loved to garden and cook. He actually was a chef for a restaurant somewhere in Clearwater a long time ago. He loved to plant plants, he even taught my mother how. My mother always told he was her best friend. I do not have many meomires of my father, in fact none at all. I last saw him when I was 4. On september 30, 1991 my father died of a massive heart attack in his sleep,he was only 34. I know my father did alot of things in his life that led to his death and I know he tryed his best to not let that affect my life. Before he died he worte me a letter that explained everything that I never know, it answered questions that I once had and at the end he told he never stopped yhinking about evne tough he was not around.