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                                                                                     Welcome to My Website




Hi! I am Elizabeth but better known as Betsy.  My future was in the midst in becoming a science teacher.  I am a native Texas that has received an extensive amount of science education under my belt.  Some people say that life-changing decisions occur when one hits a low-point in his/her lifetime.  It sure happened to me....I changed from focusing my attention on scientific research to education.  I graduated from Southern Oregon University's Masters in Education program. At the beginning, I was going to pursue an authorization in Middle/High and an endorsement in Integrated Sciences, however, sometimes things to do not go as planned. Now, I am happy to be an informal/free-choice science educator at a local museum. I will keep my old educational portfolio up and add some personal educational curriculum to it.





                About me


 My Resume   SOU's MAT Program
My personal website   All other MAT students' pages
 Favorite resources  

                                                Technological exhibits

 Photoshop    PowerPoint files
C-Map     Newsletter Resume 
WebQuest assignment Blog Files
Resource Cards Claymation
My Delicious site All other students' blog files



Reflections Class Management files


                                Page created on July 26, 2006 and updated on November 27, 2008