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The last couple of months or about a year I have been having some major career issues, this has made my life rough. I lost my job, and with the economy the way it is, I have been out of work for almost a year now. I have been busy looking for work, doing temp jobs and helping friends and family out, however none of this is enough money. I get unemployment, however I would rather not do that, this is simply a matter of pride more than anything. I like to work, and want to work which makes this even harder for me. I have a couple of friends that were in the same situation as me, however they got help from career counseling in St. Louis, which to to be honest with you I had no idea what that consisted of. I found out that it is being coached so you can gain knowledge and take control of your own career or career search.

I decided to sign up for the career counseling in St. Louis, and I wasn’t disappointed. I learned several things that I feel guided me to have enough drive and willpower to go back out there and show these companies how much value I provide, not how much value they provide to me. This was obviously the opposite of how I actually felt, with the help of my change management speaker I gained this power and was able to face the hiring managers and show them my value.

I was coached on how to break through my roadblocks; it was a program that was based on my individual career and not a fit all. After being stalled for so long, I was finally getting the knowledge needed to help me take back my career. Again, since the program was individualized for me, it helped me tremendously to get back on track, I was reclaiming my career. Whether you want to call it being coached or counseled or simply motivated, it’s something you need from time to time. Most people are coached in one way or another throughout their life, and a career coach is exactly what I needed.

If you are having problems with your career, I suggest you check out a career coach and get the help you need as well. Who knows maybe you need a complete change, or maybe just some motivation to make a small change. That’s all it took for me and I was back into the game, I now have a better job than I ever had before. I am happy with my job and I am making more money. This is what I needed in my career all along.