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Morphine Designs Div Layouts.
Heyy.  Welcome to the DIV Layout page. This is where I will post the screenshot and code for DIV layouts I have made.  Some layouts may be custom made for specific people, so the code will not be up.  If you see a layout that you like that has been custom made for someone, and would like one similar to it, then send me a request telling me which layout and how you would like it made.  I'll be updating this every time I create a new layout.  - Morphine.Doll
Below are the thumbnails of different DIV layouts I have made for people so far.  To see the full screenshot and get the code for the layout, simply click the link under the thumbnail.
[[ Black Skulls Layout. ]]
[[ Checkered Panda Layout. ]]
[[ Beautiful disaster Layout. ]]
[[ Turtle Layout ]]
[[ Bullet For My Valentine (Preview Only) ]]