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So here I am, months after I first came into TNA. I never thought I'd really see the day that I'd actually be able to showcase my talents here in TNA, not just as a manager, but possibly as one of the top knockouts that this company has on it's roster. Now that day has come for me to be able to step into the ring & battle the top knockouts in this company has to offer. However tonight is going to be different than what I really expected, I knew the day would eventually come for me to step in the ring, but in a tag team match? I've never been one to really trust others, especially in the ring, but maybe this will be one time where I will have to start to trust someone. My partner is Lindsey Calaway though, she is someone who has had trust issues with people in the past, much in the same way that I have. Will tonight just be a one night deal with Lindsey & I or will we be able to develop some sort of chemistry in the ring together & turn this into something a bit a more long term? I guess we can only find out & see what happens tonight.

*As the scene fades in we find ourselves backstage in the locker room of Kiley Summers as she seems to be looking in the mirror adjusting her ring attire, making sure that her attire looks perfect*

*As Kiley is looking in the mirror, she begins to talk to herself, as she speaks in her usual strong, british accent*

Kiley Summers:
Everything is going to be just fine, may have been awhile since the last time you've been in the ring, but you know exactly what you are doing out there. You have the experience & the training to prove that you you can do your very best out in the ring.

Kiley Summers:
This is going to be a tag team match though, you've never had to really rely on anyone else in the ring, can you really handle being out there & having to trust someone other than yourself?

Kiley Summers:
You've spoken to Lindsey though & you know that both of you have trust issues with being able to trust other women, but maybe this is an opportunity for the two of you to resolve any type of trust issues. Lindsey looks to be a great girl & who knows, she might be the tag team partner you've been looking for for all these years. Who knows if you had met her years ago, you probably wouldn't have given up on being in the ring those years ago.

*Kiley pauses for a moment as she leans forward against the sink while looking at her own reflection*

Kiley Summers:
I really don't know why you are being so nervous,'ve been though this all before. You've had debuts before, I don't know why you are stressing yourself out so much. It's been 7 years, but you know what you can do out there & it's just a matter of knocking off that ring rust you have. You've been training for weeks though, so you know that it's just a matter of getting back in the ring & pushing yourself up to another level, like you've done so many times before in the past.

Kiley Summers:
Snap out of it Kiley.....this is your time to shine. It's time for you to get back in the ring & prove that you can still do what you had 7 years ago. You aren't that out of ring shape, as you used to be. Well, what can I say....all the modeling I've done back in England, has motivated me to stay in good shape. It may not be the same ring shape that I was in those 7 years ago, but it's close enough to know that I'll be able to preform at a high enough level.

Kiley Summers:
Just trust yourself & your abilities & everything will be just fine. What about Lindsey though? You know next to nothing about her, can she trust you, but more importantly....can you trust her? I'm still not quite sure if I can or not, but she's not my enemy & I'm not her enemy. I'm sure we had some kind of history together, then this would be much easier than it is. But look at yourself, your beating yourself up mentally over this.

Kiley Summers:
Kiley, just clam yourself've spoken to Lindsey & even though it was a brief conversation, you know that Lindsey seems genuine in her intentions. She wouldn't just turn on you like others in the past. You have difficulties trusting other women, maybe it's because of jealousy over your success, but I know you have a gut feeling that Lindsey really seems genuine in her intentions. She's certainly different than others that you thought you could trust before.

Kiley Summers:
Kiley, I know it's just really difficult for me to be as open & as trusting as I want to be, but maybe Lindsey is someone that I can really be more open to. At least give her that chance, because you really don't know how things are going to turn out until you give it a chance to work. If you already think that it's not going to work between the two of you, then it probably won't, but it won't be because of anything that Lindsey has or hasn't done to'll be because you weren't able to give her the chance that I know you really want to give her.

Kiley Summers:
You're right, Kiley....there is going to be nothing to worry about at all. Just go out to that ring & put it all on the line, like you have before in the past, sure the competition has changed & you see so many great knockouts, but you know that you are going to be able to put up a challenge to any of them. Some of them may be more talented that you are now, but that won't stop you from being able to give them a challenge.

Kiley Summers:
Just don't doubt yourself. Give Lindsey the chance that she deserves & give her a bigger reason to trust you. And who knows maybe this will go on beyond tonight & the two of us could very well become a very good tag team. I mean I don't mean to really sound too arrogant, but just maybe once Lindsey & I are able to develop some kind of chemistry in the ring, we could very well soon enough get a shot at the Knockout Tag Team Titles. I know that may be looking too far ahead, but the sky is limit if Lindsey & I allow things to happen as greatly as the potential we have together in this ring.

Kiley Summers:
Normally I wouldn't be too comfortable teaming up with someone that I don't know as well as I would want to, but that's life really. Things don't always go as you plan, but you have to make the very most of it. I'm sure that Lindsey & I will do fine, she's a great talent from what I've seen & I'd like to see her as my tag team partner for some time to come in the future, but it's all about how well we can get along inside the ring & outside the ring as well.

Kiley Summers:
Lindsey may not be your friend, but the two of you clearly have planted the seeds for something that could very well be a friendship between the two of you & not just someone who is your tag team partner. After all, if you can't trust a tag team partner, like you would a friend, then where could something like this really go? I just hope that we can make the best of all of this & put on not just a good show, but a great show.

Kiley Summers:
Kiley, you're a true british goddess, you've been told that many times before, but now is a chance to prove that you aren't just another woman that happens to be a pretty face, but doesn't have much talent when it comes to being in the ring. You've competed with the best knockouts that Great Britain has had to offer, but now is a chance for you to go up against the best talent in the entire world. I know I'm nervous about teaming with Lindsey, but she's one of those great talents, she'll be proving as much to you as you will to her.

*Kiley then pauses for a moment as a knock is heard on her locker room door*

Kiley Summers:
*yelling* Who is it?

Ms. Summers, it's Todd Grisham, I was hoping that you wouldn't me getting a few words with you.

Kiley Summers:
I'll be out in just a few a moments.

*Kiley then continues to adjust her ring attire in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom in her locker room, but before leaving she takes a glance into the mirror with a smile, showing her approval*

*Kiley then exits the bathroom in her locker room as she sees Todd Grisham standing there waiting patiently for her*

*OOC-Pretend Todd's in Kiley's locker room*

Todd Grisham:
Ms. Summers, I hope that I'm not being of any inconvenience to you, but I just wanted to get a few words with you before your match tonight.

Kiley Summers:
Not at all, Todd.....I was actually hoping to run into you sometime tonight.

Todd Grisham:
Well, in that case, I guess I'm honored to have a woman such as yourself looking for me.

Kiley Summers:
Not to sound like a bitch, but don't flatter yourself, wasn't in that way, that I was looking for you. It's all business when I say that, Todd.

Todd Grisham:
Well a guy can dream can't he? Anyways, I was just hoping to get a few words with you, if you don't mine.

Kiley Summers:
I don't mind at all & I don't blame you for dreaming really. After all, with a woman like me, what guy wouldn't have their own little fantasies....there's no need to be embarrassed about it, I've kind of got used to it over the years.

Todd Grisham:
Well tonight is going to be your debut match here in TNA, I'd just like to hear your thoughts on what you are feeling about that right now?

Kiley Summers:
I'm actually feeling alot of mixed emotions right now, so I can't say how exactly I'm feeling, but just a combination of alot of things, such as nervousness, confusion, stress, excitement.....there are just so many things I'm feeling that I'm really not too sure just what I'm feeling. I know that I've been in this situation many times before & that I shouldn't be feeling the way I do, but I guess that happens, no matter how long you've been in the business, you always feel that way when you come into a new company to compete against the top knockouts from all over the world.

*Todd begins to say something, but before he can get out a word, Kiley raises her index finger & wingles it from side to side, showing somewhat displeasure toward Todd*

Kiley Summers:
Now Todd, I wasn't finished & I know you were probably raised better than that, because I think you know it's not very polite to interrupt someone when they are speaking. As I was saying......if this were England & I was returning the indy scene in England, then I might be more comfortable & less nervous about the situation, but I'm not just going up against someone that is one of the best in the UK, but since they are on the TNA Roster, they have to be some of the greatest & most talented women from all across the world. That's what I'm probably feeling uneasy about the most.

Todd Grisham:
So it doesn't have anything to do with you teaming up with Lindsey Calaway in your very first match in TNA?

Kiley Summers:
Well at first, that's how I was feeling, but you know I actually got the opportunity to meet up with Lindsey & speak to her. I let her know what my intentions were & that I wasn't here to be her enemy. I mean sure there might be a day when Lindsey & I are forced to face each other one on one, but that isn't tonight. And I believe that Lindsey & I are actually started out of the right foot for this partnership that we are starting here tonight.

Todd Grisham:
And how exactly is that?

Kiley Summers:
Well, I know you look at both Lindsey & myself, you see two completely different type of women & that there is no way that we could ever have anything in common. I come from a very wealthy family in Stockport, England. I've been provided the best things in life, from my childhood of going to the very best schools, even to my education having the availability financially to afford to go to the best colleges. Even through all of that, the one thing that I wanted to do all my life is to entertain people, more specifically in the wrestling ring. I was able to get the best training in the world to help me be able to do that, to the very best of my ability. And eventually I joined what those main stream wrestling companies call the indy scene, I wrestled for a few years & had alot of success, but I just wasn't getting where I wanted to be, which was either in the WWE or TNA, it seemed like I wasn't even on their radar, so to speak. I decided to go into a temporary leave of absence, in which I began modeling. it seems that I was just as successful in the modeling world as I was in the wrestling world. For me it wasn't about money or being rich or wealthy, because I was already that before I ever stepped into a wrestling ring or onto a set for a photo shoot. It was all about doing what I loved to do. So in the end, that's what brought me back to the business, Todd....doing what I loved to do. TNA got a hold of some of my old matches I had back in England & that's where I find myself today being officially signed under a talent even though that's a brief history for me, you get the idea of just what kind of world I've come from. Have I had alot given to me because of my wealth? Maybe, but that doesn't mean that I didn't earn my share along the way as well.

*Kiley again pauses as she looks at Todd*

Kiley Summers:
Now Lindsey, she may not have been blessed to have been born into wealth like I was, but that doesn't mean that she & I are so different. She's done things that to my understanding is what you would call.....the good ole american way. Being british, I can't say that I really know what that really means, but my best educated guess would have to be something of a blue collar way of doing things, so to speak. I don't say any of this to make fun of or try to embarrass Lindsey. She's the woman that she is, because she's made her own path, the way she's wanted to. We come from two different worlds. I know if we switched places even for a day, both of us would probably feel uncomfortable in the other's environment. Even with those difference though, Lindsey & I do have something in common, that I believe we can both us to get ahead & get past those bad experiences we both have had.

Todd Grisham:
And what might those bad experiences be?

Kiley Summers:
Personally, I believe that would all fall under the word trust. From speaking to her & spending time with her, I've heard about her trust issues with other women. She's right about one thing that alot of these women around here are all concerned about money & being on top, but along the way of getting to the top, they've screwed some people over along the way. From what Lindsey has told me, she's been double crossed one too many times by one of those wealth, fame & success hungry women. So I don't blame her too much for not being able to trust other women.

Kiley Summers:
What makes me different than those other women that Lindsey has had bad experiences with, is that I've had money, I've had the fame, I've even had the success. So putting Lindsey through something like that again, isn't something that I plan on doing. Even though I barely know Lindsey, I've gotten the opportunity to speak to her & from my judgment, she doesn't seem to be that bad of a person. I know it will take time, but maybe soon enough she'll be someone that I'd like to call a friend. We can only see how far that goes, but my hopes are certainly for the best.

Kiley Summers:
I'll be completely honest, when I first laid my eyes on Lindsey Calaway, I looked at her & normally I would've just stuck my nose up to her, because she doesn't really represent someone that I think would embody the words style or class. I mean from her tattoos to the way she dresses, she wouldn't be someone that I would really say could fit well with in my social circles. Those were first impression though, all those misconceived motions I saw in Lindsey went out of the window after I spent a couple of hours getting to know her. She may not be someone that I would just willingly accept into my social circles, but she's one example of why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

Kiley Summers:
She's a really down to earth type of girl, that I wouldn't have expected from someone like her. I haven't been many restaurants that were less than 5 star restaurants, but the time I spent with Lindsey, really getting to know her as a person, I seemed to really pay less attention to being around the local folks around here & just seemed to have genuine good time talking to Lindsey, getting to know her as not just someone whose going to be my tag team partner for the week, but as a person who doesn't care about what type income bracket you come from, but about the person that you are.

Todd Grisham:
So are you saying that Lindsey is someone you believe you can trust in the ring? We all know about Lindsey's trust issues, but you've mentioned that being something that you & Lindsey have in common, do you care to elaborate on that?

Kiley Summers:
Well, yea.....I mean I've been in the same situations that Lindsey spoke privately to me about. The difference is that I wasn't treated the same way Lindsey was, because someone was trying to step over me to get on top. I was put into those situations, because of my wealth, my fame & my success. There were people I thought I could trust, but it turns out once those people got to where they wanted to be with my help, they felt they didn't need me anymore, so I'd end up getting double crossed in the same way Lindsey had been. Lindsey really has alot she's been through & reason to not be as trusting as she wants to be. And I happen to be the same spot she is, so to find two women as different as Lindsey & I the same spot or same situation, I believe we've both come to find that it isn't about how different we are, or what type of class or style either of us's more about what we have in common, then what makes the two of us different.

Todd Grisham:
So I would have to take it that you don't have many worries about teaming up with Lindsey then?

Kiley Summers:
Well, maybe just a little bit, but that comes more with being nervous about being in front of a main stream audience, instead of the few hundred that I was used to competing in front of back in England. Talking to Lindsey & spending time getting to know her more, has erased some of those worries that I have. I know it'll take some time before Lindsey & I can truly trust one another, but we are certainly on the right path to earning each other's trust & respect. I know she already has my respect, because I've seen what she can do in the middle of the ring & whether it be in a win or a lose, I know that she gives everything that she possibly can. How can I not respect something like that.

Kiley Summers:
I don't really know if Lindsey knows what I can or can't do in the middle of the ring, I mean even if she has, I know she probably has some worries, especially knowing the fact that whatever she has seen of me, was more than 5 years ago. Maybe tonight when we team up with each other, she'll get to see what I'm truly capable of. I won't say that I'm this dominant or superior woman, like I've heard many of the knockouts say since I've been here.....because I know I have to get back to what I was able to do before I went of my leave of absence those many years ago. Lucky for me that I had youth on my side & that those 5 years didn't put me in my mid 30s, I'm only 26 years old, so I still have a bright future ahead of me. And hopefully if I play my cards right, Lindsey will be apart of that future in my tag team partners.

Todd Grisham:
So you feel that there may be a long term future with Lindsey as your tag team partner?

Kiley Summers:
If things go right & that Lindsey & I, can see each other as being friends & even tag team partners, then sure....I'd love to see Lindsey as part of that with me. Even if we don't really think we can click or gel together as a tag team, I would still like to see her as a friend, because as I said, after spending some time with her, she seems to be genuinely a very nice person. If we do click & I believe that the both of us are certainly on that path to start off, then the sky is the limit & with our talent, mainly her's.....and of course whatever type of talent I can revive in myself, then there is no telling how far we can take this.

Todd Grisham:
Moving on then, since we've gotten that out of the about you & Lindsey......what about your opponents? I know this just isn't about the chemistry that you & Lindsey are able to develop in the ring, you two very well could lose the match, even if you have the best chemistry the two of you can have, has that crossed your mind, Kiley?

Kiley Summers:
I have thought about that quite a bit. Lindsey & I could lose tonight, but I don't know about Lindsey, but I compete to win. I know my main motivation is to give my very best, but my best may not be enough, but I know I'll do what I can to prove to the fans & prove to myself.....but mostly to Lindsey, just to show her what I can do in the ring.

Kiley Summers:
As far as Neveah & Cheyenne go, well I'm going to go out there to give my best for the fans, I know they don't know what to make of me. I know some of them may look at me as just another pretty face with a great body, but not much talent. I'm going to prove them wrong & I'm going to show the entire TNA Universe that I can compete with & against the best talent in the world, especially those on the TNA Roster. This I hope is the first step for Lindsey & I, because win or lose.....I feel that with the talent we both have, that soon enough we'll get a shot at April Hunter & Angel for the TNA Knockout Tag Team Titles. I know I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself, but that's what I personally believe, that both the talent of Lindsey & myself are capable of achieving.....championship gold.

Todd Grisham:
So even though you've never held championship gold in TNA, you are that confident that you would know what it takes to hold a title here in TNA?

Kiley Summers:
This may be my debut match in TNA, but I've been a women's champion, I've been a diva's champion, I've been a knockout champion, I've been a starlet I'm no stranger to championship gold. I know that was just on my own & I've never truly been able to trust a partner, even though I've won tag team gold 3 times in my career.....but I believe with Lindsey's help.....that I can not only put gold around both of our waist, but maybe we both can earn that respect & earn that trust for each other. If we can do that, then as I've said already, the sky is the limit for Lindsey & I.....there is no telling what we can accomplish in the middle of the ring.

Todd Grisham:
Again, how do you feel about who you are facing tonight with Lindsey?

Kiley Summers:
I'll be completely honest with you, Todd....I know next to nothing about Neveah or Cheyenne, but that isn't really my focus out there tonight, because I know they'll probably give us both a decent fight, but for me, it's about knocking off whatever type of ring rust that I may or may not have. And of course, not to mention giving my all to prove to Lindsey that we can take this tag team as far as we really want to.

Todd Grisham:
So are you trying to say that Neveah & Cheyenne don't concern you that much?

Kiley Summers:
I wouldn't go that far as to say something so bold, because that would imply that I am taking an opponent lightly or for granted, but let me tell you, I don't take anyone for granted in the ring, it doesn't matter who that person is. In this case, it's a tag team match & even though I would've personally preferred this to be a one on one match, I'm going to use this as the best opportunity to get back into wrestling shape, knocking off as much rust as I can. It's been more than 5 years since the last time I stepped in the ring, but I can honestly say that it's been 5 years way too long. So it wouldn't matter to me who my opponent was going to be, I'd still have to knock off this ring rust some how & the best way I think of doing that is taking the best of this opportunity with Lindsey.

Todd Grisham:
*Looking back into the camera* Alright....well there you have it, ladies & gentlemen....tonight Kiley Summers makes her official in ring debut. I'd just like to be the first to wish Kiley the best of luck tonight.

Kiley Summers:
Thank you, Todd.....but I don't think I'll be needing much luck tonight with someone like Lindsey Calaway as my tag team partner. I'm sure we'll put on the best show we can for the people who want to see two unique talents, like ours in the middle of the ring.

*Kiley smiles into the camera once again with her pearly white smile*

*The cameras the fade out to a quick commercial break*


*When TNA returns from commerical break the cameras fade in to the arena floor as "Breathe Machine" blasts over the PA system as Kiley makes her way out the a mixed reaction from the crowd*

*OOC-Bare with the titan tron for the moment, mainly because I'm not quite finished with my Kiley Summers titan tron*

Jeremy Boarsh:
Making her way to the ring, from Stockport, England....making her official in ring debut in TNA, ladies & gentlemen......Kiley Summers!!!!

*Kiley then stands on the top of the ramp & smiles into the crowd before posing at the top of the ramp before making her way down the ramp, waving to some of the fans in the crowd*

*Once Kiley gets to the bottom of the ramp, she turns to her left as she walks up the ring steps & bending over between the bottom & middle rope to enter the ring*

*Once in the ring, Kiley walks over to one of the ring ropes & steps up on the bottom rope, while bending over the top rope over a bit, making her show off a bit a cleavage to the crowd, which get a bit of a pop from them, as she smiles into the crowd before stepping down off the ring rope & walking over the ring announcer & politely asking him for the mic as he hands it over to her*

*Kiley smiles into the still cheering crowd as she raises the mic to lips speaking once again in her usual strong, british accent*

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
Well, I know this day has been anticipated for quite some time from all the fans all over the world in the TNA Universe. From the fans known that know me in my home country of England *Crowd starts to boo a little*, I know that doesn't exactly make me popular around these parts, but also the fans all around the world watching from their television sets at home......all the way to the fans here in Charleston, West Virginia....*Crowd cheers very loudly, drowning out the previous boos* The point is, alot of people have been waiting the day to finally see me in this ring, because I know alot of you have been wondering if all the rumors of how good I am are really true. Well tonight, you all will be able to find out just that. And I assure all of you, I don't plan on letting a single one of you down. It's been over 5 years since the last time I was in a wrestling ring, so it may take a couple of matches for me to get back into form of what I once was. I promise you though, I will not disappoint when I do finally get back to form.

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
I know that most of you don't know me, but I plan on changing that. You'll see that I don't do what I do in this ring for money or for success, I do this because it's what I personally love to do. I may be a wealthy woman, even though I'm used to the advantages of that wealth, I'm not going to be one to always put in that in your faces. It's not what makes me who I am, if I earn money & success from my TNA contract, then so be it, but this has always been one thing that I loved to do, give my all in this ring & hope that you people were pleased with my performance. That's all that I expect to give & if I just see one person smile, knowing that I gave my heart out in this ring, then I know I did my job to the best of my ability. I hope that I get more than just one person to smile out here knowing what I did for them.

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
Most of you only know me as being Mike Maddox's manager, but most of you don't know that I've been in this business one way or another since I was 17. Sure I haven't been in the ring in over 5 years, but I'm hoping that you all are able to see just a glimpse of what I can do in this ring & realize that, it's because of what I love do in this ring is why I give my all. Now me perusing a modeling career when many thought I was in my prime, think that it was me turning my back on the business, but I assure all of you, that was never the case. I needed a break from traveling on the road as much as I did early in my career, which is why I took the break that I did & decided to model. I know that alot of you just look at me as another pretty face with a great body, but just because I am all of that, that doesn't mean that I don't have the talent to perform at a high level. You'll see that I'm not a model turned wrestler, like some of the talent that have come & gone in TNA has been, but you'll see that I'm a wrestler turned model turned back to wrestler again. You'll see exactly that, in my actions in this ring tonight. I don't ask much, if anything from any of you, but all that I ask tonight, even if you don't know who I am, just give the opportunity to win you all over as fans to what I can do in this ring.

*Kiley pauses for a moment as she looks into the crowd*

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
I'll be completely honest with all of you, I'm very nervous about getting in the ring. I mean this isn't just the first time that I'm competing in a match here in TNA, but also the first time that I'll be competing against both a main stream wrestling audience & an American audience. I'm not saying that because I'm british, that I'm better or anything like that, all I'm trying to say as someone that comes from working strictly in front of a british crowd, this is a different experience for me. I just hope that you will all be accepting of me, as I am accepting of you. After tonight, I hope that you don't look at me as just a british woman competing for your acceptance, but that you'll look at me for who I am & not for what my nationality is. The thing that has always been most important to me, isn't championship success or having the highest paid contract, but just knowing that I gave everything that I could to earn the respect & approval of all of those who are watching my matches. That's all I want & all that I really expect to give all over you. Even though I expect some rust tonight, I beg all of you, don't hold it against me, just know that I gave everything that I could to give you people everything that you deserved to see & were given your moneys worth tonight for the tickets that you bought to see this show. Now I won't bore you all with the details of my career that brought me to this point in my career, just know that regardless of where my career has brought me, I always gave my best effort to those who supported me & made the claim they were my fans & even if they weren't too found on me, I always did what I could do to make them fans of me. You always get that from me, whether a supporter or me or not, I'll give everything that I can to either make new fans or keep the ones that I already have. Without you, I wouldn't be the woman that I am standing here as today. Now I won't continue to bore you with all of that, because I know you all want to hear my thoughts on what I plan on doing in this ring tonight.

*Kiley pauses after she begins to hear a chant of her name, first starting quietly, but getting gradually louder, as she simply beams a smile into crowd before raises the mic to her lips once again*

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
I know that alot of you have been asking alot of questions this week about Lindsey Calaway & myself....and I'm here to set the record straight. Lindsey & I will be teaming up tonight, not because we have to, well....I mean we do have to, because TNA booked us, but even if TNA didn't book us this, I believe that after meeting with Lindsey & getting to know her a little bit better than I did before this week, I can honestly say that Lindsey & I would want to have this match. Now I'm not going to say that she & I became friends over night, because sometimes things like that takes weeks or even months of knowing someone long enough & well enough to call them a friend. It may take that long, then again it may not take that long at all for Lindsey & I to be able to say that about each other, but what I will say is that she & I are on the right path. We do have differences & different styles of life, but as many things we have different, we have some things that are more common between the two of us. I won't really get into what exactly other than our issues with trust, because all other matters are private with Lindsey & I. The trust issue, I think we'll be able to solve, we'll see what kind of trust we can develop in the middle of this ring & what kind of trust that we can earn outside of this ring as well. We'll just see what happens there. Don't expect Lindsey & I to be arguing or fighting anytime soon, it may take time to adapt to each other's styles in our partnership, but soon enough you'll see that Lindsey & I will be able to mesh very well together. Regardless of the opponent, regardless of their styles, we'll do our best to show that we can compete with any knockouts in this company. I think I can speak for Lindsey, that we'll do out best to put on the best showing out here. And I certainly expect us to come out with out hands raised in victory. I know that may sound cocky or arrogant, but that's the pride that I put into my work, inside or outside of the ring. I think Lindsey would feel similar, so just expect to see two women, that even though we are teaming up for the first time ever, expect to see us give all of you the performance you wanted to see from us. I know you know what to expect from Lindsey, you've seen her week in & week out, now it's time for me to show you what I can do in the ring. And maybe you'll have the the same type of love, the same type of respect, but most importantly, the same type of appreciation that you have for what I can do in this ring, as you do with Lindsey. This will be the only time I'm going to address what will happen with Lindsey & I, because as far as I'm concerned, Lindsey & I are going to try our best to make sure that we are able to gel together as a team. I think after tonight, you come to know Lindsey Calaway & Kiley Summers the same as Bangers & Mash....or maybe a more appropriate example for you, would probably be what you call Peanut Butter & Jelly. I think you get that I'm trying to say that, we'll gel or click together pretty well & I say so with much confidence.

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
Now that that is out of the way, I'd like to get to more important things here tonight, like Lindsey & my opponents for tonight. Neveah & Cheyenne. I know that the two of you are already thinking that you already have the advantage over Lindsey & I, because you probably have more experience tagging together in the ring, but don't ever count "The British Goddess" out of anything. You already know what Lindsey is more than capable of doing, but just because you two of you are prepared for Lindsey, don't look at this as being an easy win for the two of you. You have no idea what I can do quite yet, but you'll see soon enough that I'm no rookie in this ring. It may have been about 5 years, roughly since the last time that I stepped foot inside of this ring, but I'm going to show exactly why I've accomplished what I have in other companies. If you think you two already have this match in the bag, then test us, try us. You'll see that we'll be able to do some on the job training, so to speak, when it comes to our chemistry together in the ring. So as far as I'm concerned this is going to be an even match up. I respect Lindsey's talent, after all I've heard about her accomplishments & what she can do in the ring. Tonight though, you are going to see that Kiley Summers is just as dangerous as Lindsey is. I think that's one thing I'm going to enjoy tagging with Lindsey, she knows how to take risks & make them pay off for her. You'll see that I'm not too far off in the risk taking department either. You'll just have to see for yourself that I'm everything that I say I am in the ring. You can try to take me for being some kind of joke, but you'll see that I am not joke & that I am not one that you want to take lightly in the ring. You'll look at me as some rookie, with a pretty face & a nice body, but you'll see that I have more potential then you could possibly imagine. I have more talent than you think that I am capable of. I may be a former model, but you shouldn't see me as a model who doesn't have any talent, because I had a career with a lot of success before I ever became a model. Underestimate me if you want, but you'll see that I should be taken just as seriously as Lindsey. I'll make a point at proving that, if you do decide to have any preconceived motions about me. And I'll be sure to prove you wrong about all of those misconceptions you have about me. Make all the jokes you want & tell me or anyone else on why I shouldn't be in the ring, but you'll see that you are sadly mistaken on whether I should be in this ring or not.

*The crowd again to give both cheers & jeers, with the cheers drowning out the jeers*

"The British Goddess" Kiley Summers:
I'm as ready to get back into the ring as I've ever been. I've been training alot to get back into the same ring shape that I was when I left the business. I still feel as if I'm in the best shape of my life though, I guess being a model for all the years that I was away from the business, was certainly beneficial. It kept me aware to making sure that I ate right & had a good diet. So I know that physically as in as great shape as any of the other knockouts here in TNA. Just because I happen to be a little bit more curvaceous than others, that doesn't mean that I'm not in any way as great enough shape to compete at a high level. After all Lindsey is accepting of who I am & what I can do in the middle of this ring to compete on the same level as she does, so if she is as accepting as she is about what I can do, then you better be prepared for what I will be able to do to either of you. Whether it's Neveah or Cheyenne, you two have some serious trouble on your hands if you expect this to be an easy victory for either one of you. You'll see that Kiley Summers isn't someone that is just in this for the spotlight, but you'll also see that I have a real passion & a real desire about what I do. I guess you've never heard about british women being the most passionate & the most desirable, especially in the ring. I know you don't come across many british women who actually want to compete in the ring, but those who do, you'll see they take pride in what they do & expect results every time they step into a ring, like the one I'm standing in right now. You two will be the first to get a taste of what Kiley Summers is all about & just what I can do. I'm only half of the problem though, you know that you have to deal with Lindsey Calaway as well. And I trust that she will be able to bring the fight to you just like I will, this may be my first match is a few years, but that doesn't make me any less dangerous than I already know that I am. Underestimate my talent all you want, but you'll find out just why I was often referred to as the irresistible, but narcissistic vixen. I don't like to go that far that often, but maybe you'll see just a glimpse of that, when it comes to being underestimated. I don't like being underestimated, especially when I know I'm more talented than you could ever be. Now I won't shove it in your face like other knockouts, who are good, maybe even great......and make sure that they tell you that they know how talented they are. I may be more humble about it, but that doesn't mean that I can be any less dangerous than they in the middle of this ring. Tonight you'll find out that I'm not just a british goddess, but I'm the new "British Queen of Eroticism", who will outclass you in more ways than you could ever imagine.

*Kiley then lowers her mic as she smiles into the crowd briefly before dropping the mic in the middle of the ring as "Breathe Machine" blasts over the PA system as Kiley exits the ring & slaps her hands with some of the fans as she makes her way back up the ramp with the crowd cheering loudly for her as she gets to the top of the ramp, she then turns around & poses one more time for the crowd before turning back around & walking behind the curtain as the scene fades out to black*

♥The Diva ♥
Name:Kiley Summers
Marital Status:Single
Hometown:Stockport, England
Currently Residing: Stockport, England
In-Ring Style: Highflyer/Brawler
Finisher:"The Kiley Splash"
Finisher Description:Shooting Star Press
Theme Music: "Breathe Machine"
TNA Achievments: N/A
Other Achievements(in various feds): Women's/Knockout/Diva/Starlet Champion(8x), Tag Team Champion(3x)
Allies:Mike Maddox
Outclassed by the "British Goddess":

Match Info
Upcoming Event - Impact
Opponent(s) - Nevaeh & Cheyenne
Stipulation - Tag Team Match

Behind The Diva
Name - Candace
Gender - Female
Height - 5'7"
Weight - 130
Age - 27
DOB - January 30,1984
Efed Experience-10 years +
Marital Status:In a Relationship

Contact Info

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