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Having a car accident and getting everything straightened out is a quite a headache sometimes. If one with such concern is living in California, having someone who is an expert in dealing with such situation could definitely lighten the burden provided that they know what to look for. This is where California injury attorney comes in.  


One can look for their California injury attorney with the help of American Bar Association. Friends and relatives are also good source of information in finding a California injury attorney since you would have a first hand information about the lawyer that you would be having a business by asking your friend or relative about their opinions or observations.


Asking other lawyers for referral is another option. Since they are working in the same industry, it is positive they keep contact with each other. When you find one, meet with the person and discuss your situation.


Getting along with the lawyer is also important since you would be spending some time with each other to discuss the issue. It is best that a good business-like relationship is established while the settlement or the case is on going.  


Discuss the fees with your California injury attorney up front and have everything written and printed in paper. Keep yourself updated with the issue and get a feel on the situation. And lastly, Firing or keeping the lawyer is also and an option one has to take if the issue became disastrous.


If you want to start searching for your California injury attorney, try to consider the things mentioned above. They might appear shortlisted, but they are definitely helpful.##