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Instagram and brands: learn from twenty success stories

Instagram does nothing but grow. According to a recent study published by eMarketer (on its use in the US) it is estimated that users will reach 77.6 million this year. But the surprise comes with the trend: In 2019 it is expected that this social network has an audience of 111.6 million, which translates into 55.8% of users on social networks. Instagram will be 7 times higher than Facebook and 30 times more than Twitter. Incredible true?


Many brands do not live on the fringe of this and see business opportunities in the social network of the filters. That is why they rely on their visual power to provoke #Instasales, managing to sell with Instragram , while promoting contests and promotions that encourage those leads


Some sectors such as fashion or beauty have already joined this growing trend . The key? "With Instagram you get separated from the attributes and you get closer to engagement marketing" , which results in a powerful marketing tool. In fact, some brands like Glossier were born and triumphed in the social network, as we explained in more detail in this post .


And is that Instagram is  the best platform for brands that want to interact with users . A study by Forrester analyzed more than three million user interactions and more than 2,500 brand messages on Instagram, concluding that the participation rate per follower in the social network was 4.21% compared to 0, 07% on Facebook and 0.03% on Twitter.



Another sector that does not escape Instagram is travel marketing, a sector in which 2.0 competition. It is more intense every day, and it finds in the social network accounts with millions of followers that take us to the other part of the world in a microsecond. More viral than bloggers and more immediate, it is the best way to reach millennials and second screens, objects that accompany us on a daily basis.


Let's learn from some successful brands on Instagram

Like any tendency in "relative" birth there is no exact science or a scientific formula of success. Essay - error is the only alternative that we have left, a practice that we will be more confident about if we see, if we observe what other brands do. So today  we present some success stories from which we can learn some premises to implement in our own Instagram strategy , ready?


1. Combine the on and the off

One of the examples of this premise is Fútbol Club Barcelona, ​​a club with international recognition for its excellent strategy in Social Media. In Instagram are not left behind (a social network in which they have 16 million followers), since they relayed the first game in real time. How they did it? They promoted a contest to select the lucky ones that would be in the stadium photographically relaying the game, and the day of the event, they placed the winners in privileged sections around the field, who were taking photographs. These photographs were sent to a Community Manager of the club who uploaded them directly to the official FC Barcelona account on Instagram.


The "Instagram your inspiration" project by Redbull is another example. The action encouraged fans to upload photographs inspired by the brand's colors - red, blue and silver - using three different hashtag . The best images were then placed on billboards in five cities in the United Kingdom. The most innovative aspect of the initiative is that it supposes a real collaboration with the users, who have the possibility to see their work exposed.

The Swedish company H & M promoted on Instagram a curious initiative. He placed statues of David Beckham in different points of cities in Europe. Consumers could take pictures with the statues and upload them with the #HMBeckham hashstag. This allowed them to participate in a contest with numerous prizes. Again, the images - and the brand - expanded throughout the network.


Unicef launched the campaign #Donomifoto in 2011 to raise awareness among the Spanish population about the terrible consequences of child malnutrition. In it, they asked Instagram users to upload their best pictures with the hashtag  #donomifoto. Unicef ​​selected the best 50 images, which were later sold in an exhibition and whose collection was entirely destined to fight malnutrition. On the first day of this initiative, more than 800 photographs were donated.




2. labeling (creative)

The Salon Hair Salon, a beauty salon in Thailand, took advantage of Instagram using the labeling function. The campaign consisted of publishing photographs of cancer patients who lacked hair in their accountso that users could tag their hair followers and invite them to donate their hair. Virtual wigs were formed from the labels. Cool, right? This campaign became so viral that the clients of this beauty salon began to tag their friends forming original looks, and not only that, but the collection of 60 kg was achieved. of natural hair with which they manufactured up to 3,000 wigs for cancer patients.


The case of Mercedes-Benz was one of the campaigns awarded in the Facebook Awards of this year and that we highlighted a few weeks ago in a blog post (more winning campaigns here ). To reach a younger target, Mercedes launched an action for its GLA model; They created a way to personalize the model using the taggeado of Instagram : from the color, the tires, the roof ... everything could be chosen. The results were 100,000 likes on Instagram and 20,000 new followers, generating traffic and sales at the same time.



A similar case is that of IKEA, which generated an interactive catalog for the PS Collection and which integrated in a very interesting way the User Generated Content.  Created Instagram accounts for each of the products in the collection (chairs, tables ...) for users to tag their photographs and create a large "real" catalog on the social network.




3. Benefits of your product

GoPro , the camera of the athletes par excellence is not far behind in this to take advantage of the virtues of Instagram, and is that in your account shows incredible photographs that can be done with this toy. Who does not invite to get one?

Levi's has also been able to perfectly exploit Instagram and does so by providing ideas to give your cowboys a second life. You have to remember that the DIY (do it yourself) is a practice that is very fashionable and they are knowing how to take advantage of the brands.


The creators of Sharpie use Instagram to give a human touch to their products. In your account, we find posts drawn by the users of your well-known highlighters. This allows them not only to demonstrate what their products can do, but also to create a community of users who like to show their talent and share their art.




4. Challenge / Cause

Working with an Instagram influence on social impact campaigns is beneficial for several reasons. Through the influencers the campaigns easily become viral and are positive both for the brand, which improves its reputation, and for the influencer. This strategy was carried out by the Boxed Water brand that worked with the influencers Jaime King, Megan DeAngelis and Aidan Alexander in the campaign The Retree Project.

The famous cookie brand Oreo proposed to its followers to share on Instagram new ways to eat their products using the hashtag #OreoSnackHack, and for more inri they launched a video in which well-known chefs introduced these cookies as an ingredient in their recipes.

An example of Converse's use of Instagram is the "My Canvas Journey" campaign. They provided followers with a brand bag and encouraged them to document how they personalized it and what they did with it for four weeks. Everything, of course, photographed and shared through Instagram . By selecting the most influential users well, Converse can thus extend its images - and its prestige - in a massive way.




5. Find a boy @

Birchbox , brand dedicated to cosmetics, works together with Emily Schuman , a famous lifestyle blogger, to promote the product line of the brand. The agreement included 5 photos of the products in the account of the blogger who received 18,000 likes and reached more than 550,000 consumers. Finding influencers in the specific niche of the brand to collaborate and co-create a joint campaign, gifts or contests with followers is one of the best ways to attract the attention of consumers and attract new customers.


NatureBox knows that 20% of women active in social media tend to buy products promoted by bloggers. The power of word of mouth produces twice as much sales as advertising. This is what he did with the collaboration of blogger Joanna Goddard who posted a photograph of her children eating brand products in her account, which made the brand credible.


Johnnie Walker is one of the brands that decided to launch a marketera strategy through Instagram. The brand looked for influencers with the same adventurous spirit of the brand and thus promotes the drink through different trips that left their mark on the social network.