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How to Source a Fake ID That Doesn’t Invoke Amateur Hour

Whether you want to drink indiscriminately or gamble your money away without getting shot down by your parents, we’ve all been there. And if you want to get these things done below a certain age, you need something like a forged ID. Naturally, this might make you wonder about how to get a fake ID.

But there are so many different people out there that can offer you fakes that it almost becomes impossible to choose. Some might get you risk free into the club of your choice. Others will act as a free ride pass into the back of a cop car. Let’s find out how you can get your hands on the right one.

Find the Right Seller

Making a fake isn’t rocket science. Anyone with enough money can source equipment that can be used to make them. It’s finding the seller that makes believable fakes that makes all the difference.

You want to be able to find a seller that does more than sell back alley fakes. There are some key signs to look for. If the seller is careful about the details and takes the time out to answer your questions in detail, then you likely have a winner. But if all your hearing is a meth’d up “It just works, man.”, then it’s time to run.

Pay Attention to the Language

Sellers have their own way of getting you to buy their fakes. It’s just like any other marketplace that has evolved enough to use a few buzzwords here and there. And knowing which ones are used where is a good precursor to know how to get a fake ID.

Things to look out should be excessive use of keywords to claim how real the ID looks. Using a “original” or “authentic” here and there is no crime. But if you start to see the words “100% real working quality fakes genuine” chained in quick succession, it could be an indication of something shady going on.

A proper ID seller will have no need to hammer on the point. They’ll product descriptions will likely be relevant and to the point. More importantly, it’ll be their reputation that holds them up.

Scout Out the Minor Details

The whole point of a Fake ID is to have something that resembles the real thing as close as it possibly can. But accuracy can be a subjective concept for a lot of sellers. So it’s important to just how far they aim for in accuracy.

Some sellers will just focus on replicating the basic fake ID look and shape. Others will try to go for things like the feel and the weight. And often, the final step to this involves getting all the important details right. If your fake ID seller can’t get the font right, the picture in the right resolution, or replicate the holograms, then it’s time to look elsewhere.

Try to aim for a fake ID seller that can get you the triple whammy with the proper look, feel, and security features of a fake ID down. That’s the proper answer to how to get a fake ID.