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Victims of domestic violenceb>
Victims of Domestic Violence -- It's Not Your Fault

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Would you please help?

Please feel free to return to this site as I'm just beginning to build it, and it will be updated frequently.

Husbands and boyfriends commit an estimated 13,000 acts of violence against women in the workplace each year. An estimated 4.5 million physical assaults are committed against U.S. women by intimate partners annually.
Eighty-five percent of domestic violence victims are women. In Arizona, every 5 minutes a law enforcement officer responds to a domestic violence call; every 39 minutes one or more children witness a domestic violence incident

This site is dedicated to the women and children who are suffering from domestic violence in their lives.

As a victim, myself, and going through the "system", I have personally experienced living fear, and then making the decision to leave into a shelter.
There is a desperate need, here in the state of AZ, for more shelters, as there isn't enough for women and children, and many are turned away.

As a Christian woman, I have found, as well, that there are no shelters that are Christian based. It is a desire that I get more involved in my life, and open a shelter that is Biblically based, so that I can help these women get their lives on the right track. Without a biblically based background, so many women, who I've known personally, have returned to their abusers.

I am requesting, on behalf of these women, and myself, that you find it in your heart to donate. I am just beginning, so please bear with me. If you would like to donate anything to get me started, please feel free to email me.

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