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Secure Sockets layer, more commonly known as SSL, were developed by Netscape. The SSL certificate makes it possible for private internet websites to communicate with others in a secure way. The website's certificate must be authentic so that when something like a transaction or the passing of information is made, it will be secure. As most people generally don't have much knowledge about SSL certificates, when there is some kind of operating inconsistency, they have no idea of how to fix it. This is also true for a user who wants to upgrade the security of their web certificate. The solution is an Exchange 2007 certificate.

Exchange Hosted Encryption

There are various types and different levels of web certificate to be exchanged. A very common type of website certificate comes from websites that offer free website hosting. These essentially are places where people can obtain an SSL certificate free of charge. The most common problem with this is that the web certificate is not always approved by a trusted certificate authority. This will result in various kinds of security problems concerns by the browser and recommendations not to enter the webpage will be initiated.

Other types include Shared and Dedicated SSL certificates. A Shared SSL certificate operates as sub-domains. Dedicated SSL certificates however, come from hosting packages that offer a dedicated SSL certificate. These link the SSL to the domain name of the customer.

Each web certificate is encrypted. There are levels of strength that determine which web certificates are more secure. The higher the encryption, the more the secure the certificate is. Encryption levels range from 40-bit to as high as 256-bit.

When you want to use an exchange 2007 certificate there are some easy steps to follow to ensure success. Firstly you need to make a request. This is to obtain a shell command. When doing this, you'll need to be careful not to make any mistakes otherwise any incorrect characters will result in an error.

Once the shell command is generated, it can then be pasted into a command prompt on the Exchange server. After this is done, the file in your computer can be located. The user then must login to the control panel through the certificate authority (CA) they originally obtained the SSL certificate and paste the encrypted text they obtained.