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Ransomware has given a big blow to the security perception of the world in general and the UK in particular. The coordinated ransomware attack on the UK's medical system highlighted the inefficiencies. Ransomware is a program that sneaks into your system in disguise of a normal file and starts encrypting your important files and the system. It lies low till it has finally encrypted most of the important and files and one day you are denied access to the files on your own system. The program then asks ransom from you to decrypt those files.

The users have only two options, either forgo the files or pay the ransom. Most of the times, decrypting the files isn't possible. The ransomware is a very deceptive program that can sneak into your system in a number of ways if you aren't alert. It is very difficult to identify and very light in nature. To add salt to the injury, most of the times you personally authorize the execution of the ransomware as it is in disguise. BullGuard antivirus has shown great results in identifying and stopping the ransomware attack. It can provide you with comprehensive protection from such infections. If you have any problem in the functioning of the Bullguard antivirus, you should immediately call the BullGuard Support Number UK for help. 

However, to ensure that you remain safe from ransomware attacks, you must follow the guidelines given below:

Beware of Email Attachments from Unknown Sources

Ransomware is a very light program. You can one day receive an important looking email attachment from some unknown source and you may download it out of curiosity. That attachment can be containing ransomware. If the email is not from a trusted source, never download the attachments. They can be carrying ransomware. Such emails are generally drafted very craftily like invoice copies, business proposals, etc. You must remain cautious of such emails.

Scan Your System on Regular Basis

This is a no-brainer. However, a survey shows that people do not scan their systems in months. This happens despite the fact that Bullguard antivirus can do a full system scan real quick without compromising the performance of your system. This practice should be corrected immediately. A full system scan can detect such programs if they have sneaked in somehow and started encrypting your files. If you are facing any problem in scanning your system, you can call Bullguard Customer Care Number UK anytime.

Do NOT Enable Macros of Documents from Unknown Sources

This can be a 'Cardinal Sin' and it is unpardonable. Enabling the macros will unleash the ransomware on your system. If you have by chance downloaded any files from an unknown source then view it while the macros are disabled. In this way, the infection will not be able to spread its wings in your system. If there is any relevant information in the file, you will be able to see it without enabling the macros too. Usually, only the infected files with malicious intent ask you to enable the macros to view the files. Do not fall into this trap or your system will get compromised.

Take Backup of Your Data Regularly

To be on the safe side, always take the backup of your data at regular intervals. In this new cyber world, you can never be too safe or cautious. Always take backup of your files regularly so that in case of a ransomware attack your data is not at the mercy of a criminal.