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A seed is planted in hopes a harvest will be made. The whistling wind gently blows against the window. A small window in the corner with a slight crack. The sun seeps through bouncing of the shining hardwood floors the same way it crawls through the open spaces of clouds hitting every plant life along the concrete sidewalk. A trickle of water runs down her leg, following the path of a vein. Her heart beats faster and her mind begins to race. Moments of her life flashes before her in that small knick of time. Excitement builds up in the air for a new being will be entering the world. A baby girl is born and two parents are happier than ever. This is the start of a new life; my life.
            A stem slowly but gradually is making it’s way in life. Breaking the dirt just enough to see a little bit of the world. Take the first step onto the bus and look around. Brown seats with the cushions coming out like someone stabbed it. Kids the same age as me are sitting in all different spots looking like a deer in headlights. Quickly, I take a seat in enough time to wave back to my parents and see my mom blow a kiss full of a thousand things to say.
            The school is much bigger than my old preschool. There’s bright lights on the ceiling everywhere. I was nervous but couldn’t wait to get back home to give my family all the details.
            Later life truly started to change. A flower began to bud and open it’s pedals to the sun above. Boxes were everywhere. The house looked emptier than ever. No furniture, just the carpet, white walls and tons of cardboard boxes. We were moving to Delaware. The thought gave me a shiver down my spine. I’d have to make new friends and start fresh.
            We had to ride through the mountains of West Virginia. I remember looking out my window and seeing so many mountains. The scenery was beautiful and delicious; I guess you could say, because they looked like broccoli. They were so green and broad.  The greenery on the mountains appeared to be successful in their growth.  That’s what I wanted to be but I didn’t know what to do or how to get there.
            Moving and starting fresh made me realize what my talent was. My talent was writing and everyone noticed. It lead me to think about schools and Cab and which path I truly wanted to take in life. Did I want to become that growing flower or a shrinking weed? I got into Cab and the feeling was amazing.
            A flower fully bloomed. It gracefully came out like a ballerina dancer coming out onto the stage. Cab was wonderful. Some days you’d come in and it was blazing hot. No air conditioning or anything but you’d get to your major and everyone was ready to work. No one was worried about the bugs, the heat, how you looked up to no ceiling and hanging wires. No one paid attention to the brown sloppy water coming out of the white old water fountain hanging on to the wall by one pole. This was it.
            The next step of life was getting into Cab. “Mom, did I get a letter? The envelope HAS to be big. That means it’s filled with paperwork.” “No Briana, I’m sorry but it’s small,” she said to me right before we hung up on the phone. I wanted to go in the bathroom and cry. I couldn’t wait to get home just to get away. Gloomily I ran up to my room and shut the door. Right on my bed was an envelope. A big one. I was scared to touch it as it laid on my purple zebra comforter beside my teddy bears. I opened it. My mom tricked me. Tears filled up my eyes, but they were joyful tears.
            Now I’m really here pursuing my talent. This is what I’ve been waiting for; hitting the snooze button, rushing through hallways, but being able to be free. Free. No one knows what will happen in the next 5 minutes or in the next day. Soon this flower will become into a bouquet and until then I’ll just have to wait to write another page of my tapestry.