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Mid Semester
Anthony Lionel Lynn Booker was born November 14,1992 at Sinai Grace Hospital. To a pair of lovely parents Nicole Carroll and Anthony Booker Sr. Anthony was Nicole and Anthony's first boy and they was so happy. They couldnt wait to take Anthony home so they could start they life as a new family. As the years went on Anthony grew out to be a wonderful son but Nicole and Anthony wanted another child so they had Nicholas Booker when Anthony was 4 years old. Anthony loved having a little brother until they started buying Nicholas more stuff than Anthony. When Anthony turned 8 his parents seperated and it changed his life completely and forced his mother to take care of him and his brother by herself. Than they moved into a 2 bedroom apartment on the Detroit westside right off Dexter and Davison. Than later Anthony's mother found a friend named Matthew Greason when Anthony was in 6th grade than later moved on the eastside to State Fair and Strasburg than Anthony's life changed completely. Once Anthony moved on Strasburg he started a new seem like he started getting frredoms he thought he would never have. Hanging out all day just enjoying his little teenage life. Anthony hung around all the boys in the neighborhood who played football which inspired him to start to play for the Detroit Knights. When Anthony first started he wasnt the best player but he was descent he started at defensive end on the b team. That year the Detroit Knights went 4-4 and lost to the hurricanes in da first round of the playoffs. Than after his first season Anthony moved in Woodbridge Town Houses off John C.Lodge and Selden than he transfered to Consortium College Prep Middle/Highschool. Anthony than played for the Inkster Raiders and started wearing #8. Anthony stayed at CCP for two years than in the tenth grade transfered to CCA. Anthony came to CCA to play football and came in as a sophmore starting at QB. Anthony's first game was against Willow Run and he threw 3 interceptions and ended up losin 24 to 0. CCA ended up 1-8 that season. Now Anthony is a senior and is still that QB for CCA. CCA is 2-2 and plans to go to the playoffs