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When one considers South Africa holidays, many types of imagery and preparation come to mind. There is a host of questions to be answered to prepare for the trip especially if it is the first time visiting South Africa.


Although some travelers to South Africa may travel light, the wise ones would check and source for the right information to make their visit in this beautiful land comfortable and delightful for it may not be exactly home without some home luxuries.

One of the travel items to South Africa is plug adaptors; this is important to many who have their hand phones, CD players and other electronic gadgets. South Africa uses 3-pin plugs of 220/240 volts which are similar to UK.

Some travelers may want to confirm if the tap water in South Africa is safe for drinking which they are very used to at home. But South Africa is a vast country that is very natural with a lot of game reserves that flow with nature. Hence, not all cities and outskirts would have well processed tap water as potable water. It is highly recommended that bottled water is preferred over tap water while visiting South Africa. Bottled water can be easily purchased from any resort, restaurant, bars and shops throughout South Africa.

Travel needs

Regardless of the place of visit, there would always be a list of travel needs to be satisfied to ensure a delightful holiday; so it is with South Africa. This may be a far away country for many visitors who may be experiencing a different adventure or holiday for the first time. Hence, one should always be prepared with the bare necessities which might include a sweater or umbrella for the slightly unpredictable weather conditions.

Although South Africa is declared to be free of malaria, many tourists may be sensitive to various types of insects and bugs. Hence, it would be wise to bring on some insect repellent or sun block if a good tan is intended.

One should not forget the handy camera or video cam to take lots of pictures and recordings of the amazing wildlife and natural landscapes found across South Africa. A small knapsack or puffer bag may be the best carry on item for a tourist on a game drive to pack some of the necessities required during the day. So is a pair of binoculars to ensure a good view of the wildlife and feathered species on a safari trip.