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942 people are completely misinformed about mr popular poster. It's ok, i was one of the 943 members in his fan club once upon a time.

I am usually one to turn the other cheek but after seeing someone post so much stuff about me on here I figured maybe I should settle the score. The best bit of this betrayal is that there is no excuse for what he did as I specifically said not to post personal things about me in forums as I have seen a few relationships and friendships destroyed by such acts. Normally I would suggest for him to go and talk to his friends/family about what’s on his mind, but I guess that would be unfair as he doesn’t actually have any real life friends and he refuses to acknowledge his functional and caring family. This realisation should’ve been when warning bells went off alerting me to the fact this guy is most likely a sociopath.

So the guy in question is great at acting like a charming person when he wants to be percieved as charming, but like any person pretending to be someone their not it didn’t last long. Within 4 months I was in my first headlock being forced into submission in my own apartment…. I came out of that incident covered in dark black and blue bruises all over my body and consumed with shame that I couldn’t protect myself. In my defence I didn’t expect a guy who wears a v neck and jeans tighter then mine to pull an Ike Turner on me. My mistake was listening to his excuses and taking him back. Not for the fact he inevitably would do it again, but the fact I compromised my values and beliefs and I simple should've known better.

The last time I wasn’t so lucky…. It’s been about 2 months since the last incident but I still can’t walk properly and the bruising is so bad it’s actually still visible and tender on one side of my body. By the time the police were called by a few of my neighbours I was choked out not once but twice and repeatedly thrown around like a rag doll. I actually thought he had broken my leg at one point and due to hitting my head I couldn’t even crawl away to safety. So, unable to walk properly, bleeding and covered in horrific bruises once again, the police arrive.

I was too scared to have him charged with assault…. But the police did their best to reassure me I should. Unfortunately domestic violence is not a simple issue to confront and logically react to. The guy actually had me convinced that I deserved it. Most cycles of abuse end with the abuser apologising and reassuring the victim that they didn’t mean it and it will never happen again. Not me. My guy is so disillusioned that he actually whole heartedly believes that I was the cause, it was all my fault and that I deserved everything I got. He held onto that anger and blame for days, weeks and months all the while still living with me and sleeping in my bed.

To this day the only time I’ve heard him acknowledge and apologise is when I confronted him days later, and the apology was about as genuine as his charming personality. I allowed him to destroy my self worth, self esteem, and self respect. But I really feel like I needed to voice my side of the story…. And what better way to do it then the same pathetic way he did…. Hiding behind my computer.

Due to time restrictions I will have to be continue this later…. Stay tuned for all the sordid details of erectile dysfunction, wet dreams, premature ejaculation, and embarrassing stories like the time he forgot he was potty trained as a child and shat all over my bed.


I don't blame anyone reading this for thinking this is spite and revenge coming from a woman scorned.... i never play fire with fire because i believe that harbouring negative energy is detrimental to ones mental state and sense of being. I wouldnt have done this if he hadn't have gone against specific instructions not to post personal things about me on a forum. Oh and if he hadn't have lied to me and publicly gloated about the fact he was back in the dating game the day after he begged for me back and swore he was still committed to me. Future women he will win over.... don't be as pathetic as i was.... he is a monster that will never change.[/quote]