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Never Changing Assorted Geekery Will Eventually Destroy You

Some people prefer Windows to Mac OS and others have the opposite opinion, but both systems have their advantages. Both operating systems are always being upgraded. Mac's most recent operating system is Lion and Windows users are anxiously awaiting the impending release of Windows 8. In the following paragraphs we are going to compare some of the major advantages to both of these operating systems.

The biggest reason that computer users opt for Windows instead of Mac is it's compatibility ability. Since Windows is the more popular operating system, a lot of software applications are made to be windows compatible.

Even if there's a Mac version, it may work differently and may not always be compatible. Yet with today's Macintosh computers, you can easily run Windows using Bootcamp. This means that it's possible to run the Windows OS on any recently built Mac computer. Windows, though, cannot run Mac and probably won't ever be able to. In the past, when you wanted to put Windows on your Mac you had one option: slow, awkward and unreliable programs like Virtual PC; thankfully this isn't true anymore. Now, when you want to read files or play games that are only made for Windows you can still use your Mac for them.

If you follow what happens in technical news, you have probably started to hear things about the next major upgrade to the Windows OS: Windows 8. For some people this is going to be a major blip in the entire Windows Vs. Mac debate because, apparently, when this new release comes out it is going to have some amazing new features. The most important of these is that Windows 8 will give you the ability to use your computer the same way that you would use a tablet as it will have a very functional touch screen. Of course, you'll still be able to employ a traditional mouse and keyboard. Of course, as of this writing, Windows 8 is still something that we can only look forward to. The earliest release date we can find is sometime in 2012. And by then Mac will probably have something in the works to rival it.

When Mac OS X Lion, one of the new features is a security that will keep you protected if someone steals your laptop or notebook. The Remote Wipe function is standard on iPhones, but it has only recently been introduced to notebooks and laptops. This is a feature that will allow you to erase your computer's entire hard drive from a remote location if you lose your computer or if that computer gets stolen. If you keep personal or very sensitive information on your computer, this will offer you some genuine peace of mind. You will only be able to use this feature with Lion OS as it makes judicious use of the iCloud. As of this article's writing Windows based computers do not have anything that is remotely comparable to this feature. It's obviously also a good idea to back up all of your data so that, in the event you need to perform a hard drive wipe, you won't have to worry about losing any data that is truly important. These are just a few of the points regarding Windows and Mac OSes that you should consider before making your final choices. When making the final decision is too tough, it's a good idea to go visit one of the major computer retailers out there and maybe check out an Apple store if there is one in your local area. This way you can see both Windows and Mac based computers up close and see which one you find more appealing. geeky computer blog

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