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Top Five Weekend Activities To Engage In Birmingham, AL 35215

Birmingham had a population estimate of 209,880 in 2018. It’s one of the prominent cities in the US State of Alabama which has a total of 148.61 square miles, covering the land and water part of the area. More also, the city was named for Birmingham, England and was not incorporated until the 19th of December, 1871.

As a city, Birmingham covers people from different walks of life so their definition of fun differs. While some see going to the gym for exercise as having fun, others prefer picnicking. So therefore, the city allows varieties of activities to enable its residents have fun in ways they desire. However, the top five weekend activities to engage in Birmingham are:


This is no doubt one of the top weekend activities to engage in Birmingham. The city has got lots of amazing spots where this activity is being carried out, and residents love to go there.


Hardly will you see a party lover in Birmingham sleeping during the weekend. They’re usually in different nightclubs which spread across the city, to sing along and dance to amazing songs of their preferred music artists.


Sightseeing is another top weekend activity in Birmingham which is usually carried out by tourists in the city. However, this is due to the fact that Birmingham has lots of iconic landmarks for them to explore.

Going to the Cinema

There are lots of good cinemas around Birmingham which sell movie tickets at low costs during the weekend, so movie lovers in the city never fail to visit them if they're chanced to do so.

Playing Football

This is a top weekend activity that is more popular among guys in the city. They’re usually found in the best fields in the area, carrying out this activity to keep themselves happy.

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Birmingham Precision Roofing

1146 Florentine Cir #23

Birmingham, AL 35215

Birmingham Precision Roofing is the best company that offers high quality commercial roofing services. Whenever you need such services in the city of Birmingham, consult them so you can get the best results.

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