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How to maximize your Facebook mobile app experience

The Facebook mobile app is a popular way to access the social networking giant. Facebook keeps trying to incorporate popular features from other sites, to make Facebook an amalgamation of experiences from all over the web. You can maximize your Facebook experience by staying up to date with the new additions. For more info, visit here.

The new “save” feature on Facebook:

The latest new feature introduced by Facebook is the “save” feature, which can be accessed by tapping the little arrow in the right corner of the news feed post. If someone shares a link to an article but you want to read it later, you can save it via the save feature and access it later by tapping the “saved” tab in the left menu.

The saved tab opens the saved links page, where you can further organize your links by archiving them, arranging them into categories or deleting them once you are done reading them. You can save not just links but places, music, books, films, TV shows, and events.

Advantages of this feature:

1.       You can make a reading list for yourself to read on a rainy day with a cup of your favorite beverage (or in any other situation in which you like to sit down and read; that was just my suggestion). We frequently overlook many stories on the news feed simply because we do not have the time to check them out. With the save feature you will no longer miss stories from your favorite blogs, news agencies and Facebook personalities because they will all be safely stored away in the saved tab.

2.       Once something you post on Facebook appears in the news feed, you can save it. It is difficult to find wall posts that have been pushed down the timeline by newer posts, but this way you can keep track of your favorite posts without the risk of losing them among the many posts filling up your timeline.

Disadvantage of this feature:

If you post something which is of the nature that you wish you had not posted it but for some reason you are not willing to remove it from Facebook, chances are that someone in your friends list might have saved it all the same. So be careful what you post on Facebook, which is a precaution that must be taken in all circumstances, anyway.

Commentary on this feature

It seems that Facebook does not want to be left behind by link saving sites such as Delicious. While saving links on Facebook is private (when you save a link, the action is not shown on the news feed to your Facebook friends), it remains a Facebook-oriented feature as it only allows you to save Facebook content to view later. Whereas on Delicious, you can save a link from anywhere on the web to your Delicious account. I suppose you can post the link you want to Facebook yourself and then save it, but that is more of a roundabout and lengthy way to do things. The Facebook save feature, while being very useful, cannot replace other link saving services available online.




How developers will emerge in coming times as app stores are getting jam-packed

The app industry has never been more overblown, and there will only be much higher competition among apps - and opportunity - as more people gravitate toward smartphones and tablets, and as wearables too develop their very own app ecosystems.For programmers then, it's important to understand how one app gets noticed whilst another might languish in the app store pool. For more info, visit here.

In a recent report from BI Intelligence, we take a deep dive into the various app stores' ecosystems to examine the current difficulty in navigating them, next study the best options for ensuring your app gets a good rank, and detail the important considerations for an app owner which should influence how programmers smartly position their apps. Such considerations include app pricing, app advertising, and app store optimization - that could affect whether an app remains prominent in the app store.

Sign up for free now and gain access to the full report

The following is the basic principles of the report, and it states everything that programmers need to remember in order to succeed in future:

•     Need of App User: The outlook of app consumer, the functions of app that interest him and the way he will use the app is extremely important to know. Compuwave carried out a study on 85% cell phone users in the world. It was pointed out in the survey results that cell phone device users want their devices because they are handy, efficient as well as easy to use. With the passing of time cell phone app users are increasing in number though it is tough to beat the apps which are already popular. If an app looks wonderful and it manages to obtain some good reviews in magazines, it never shows that it would also be successful. Advertising of the app is also essential for its success.

•     App Cost: The consumer’s marketplace demand and engagement of an app in the app outlet has direct influence on the cost of that app. What a programmer ought to remember is that notable visibility, consistent popularity as well as regular user engagement is based on the price. An app analytics firm named Distimo analyzed the price change influence on 400 popular apps that are used on iPhone and iPad around the world. 1665% increase in the download volume of apps was noted in the Apple App Outlet after the prices of apps were reduced on experimental basis for five days. 871% growth of download volume was noticed for the iPad apps. Free of cost and freemium apps were the major source of income as they were downloaded the most. In-app buys of free apps consisted 71% of iPhone App store’s revenue in February 2013.

•     The App’s Marketing: The kinds of apps getting more popular among users is really important to know. The visibility of apps in various countries relies on the mobile trends of that region so you should be informed about them. After surfing the category pages, many times users download apps therefore it is good to check Google Play and iOS’s top app groups. Different market segments have their very own trends that might be difficult to target, so; displaying one’s app on worldwide scale has various benefits. Trying to keep this in mind, developers are forced to think more than just about Google Play and iOS. International download of apps could easily be enhanced by the internationalization of apps. Even though there are many ways, but translating an app into some other country’s native dialect is the most powerful ways of all.