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Location:Sydney, Australia 

Artist: Pierto Perugino/Bernardino Pinturicchio

Titled: Baptism of Christ

Year: 1450-1524 / 1454-1513


This painting was done in the Sistine Chapel. It depicts th artist idea of the baptisim of Jesus by John the Baptist. You can see that massive crowd of followers that came to watch as Jesus was sanctified by the pouring of water on his head. Above you see the Father (Holy Spirit) himself looking down as his son receives this blessing. According to the bible Jesus was made in the image of God and they are one. It may be that the artists were trying to show the connection between the two by having Jesus below in the baptism and then above in the sky. However, this painting does not rely what many believe, that Jesus was actually dipped into the water.


Built between 1475 and 1483

Architectual Design and Construction by:Baccio Pontelli and Giovannino de' Dolci



This picture shows the inside of te Sistine Chapel full of religious paintings on the wall and ceilings.Each painting tells a different story of the time of Jesus Christ and his disciples. The imagery is not as clear as it would be in a individual view of each painting but if looked at closely I believe you can see Jesus being hung on the cross. The colors used in the chapel further add life to the stories that were told. I can understand why so much time was taken into building a creating such a wonder place of worship.



Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti

Title: Last Judgement

Year: 1535-1541


 This picture only gives a brief overview of the entire scene as displayed by the artist. The Last Judgement from my undertanding could be the time when we would go before God to be judge for our life here on earth and all those that we have come in contact with over the years. It could also mean during the time Jesus walked the earth and the judgement he face from the nonbelievers. The number of people surrounding the man and woman in the middle of the scene and the conflicts that are displayed to me presents confusion on judgement day.



Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti

Title: Last Judgement




Here God is working to seperate light from darkness or good from bad. His hands are positioned to show the power of light that comes from it. The depiction of God in a seperated frame gives an idea of the seperation of who he is and who we are. The others are unclothed which suggest that they may eb unaware or aware of their wrong doings but continue to live in darkness and until that day that they become aware that they are not covered.