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Welcome to Bills Place

Hello world! My name is Bill, and I am a sports card collector in New Jersey. Been doing this since the early 80's when everyone was "investing" in "penny stocks". They are not worth as much now, but I still love the hobby and work on it when time permits (it keeps me out of trouble!). While primarily a Baseball card collector, I do the other three major sports and dabble in others. I love to build sets from scratch as well as trade for starter/complete sets that I do not have in my personal collection already. Finally, I am a BIG Pete Rose fan and will trade for anything of his. And yes, while he fudged up off the field, I publically cast my vote for his enshrinment in Baseballs Hall Of Fame for his on field accomplishments. I'm behind you Charlie Hustle!!! On a more personal note, I am happily married to my wife Selma (love ya honey!), and am the VERY proud Uncle/Godfather to Christopher Timothy, AKA "Bam Bam", who someday will absolutely RULE whatever sport(s) he chooses to play. Folks, this boy is BIG! Long story short, with Selma at my side for life and watching my Nephew grow up, it don't get any better than this:). Gimmie a cold beer and a my friends to spend time with (special mention to Tito, Myrna, Luis, Christian and "Emperor" Efrian), I am a pretty happy......and lucky...guy.

My Want Lists (updated 11/1/08)

My Favorite Soft Drinks