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Many individuals do not take care of their skin when they are young and later they regret. If we start taking care of our skin early in life then we do not have to regret later. We can look much younger than our original age by taking timely action.  When we do not take care of our skin in early years then we search for the products later in life to look young and healthy. The situation does not remain the same and it changes with the passage of time and similarly your skin does not remain same throughout life. It keeps changing as you advance through age. One should build up good skin care habits to keep our skin healthy:

Good hygiene is important for good skin care. One should properly clean the skin two or three times in a day. Even washing your face with simple water is enough to remove dirt and dust from the skin. Children should be taught in the early years that they should wash their hands and face whenever they come in. Washing the face regularly helps to prevent acne and pimples which is a common problem in early years of life. 

Children should be asked to use proper sunscreen lotion before going out in the sun. It is very important to protect the skin from sun rays because they can produce great harm to the skin cells. Most skin cancers are caused due to excessive exposure to the sun rays. Children should use protective skin covering in the form of lotions and creams before going out in the sun.

Children should be encouraged to drink more water throughout the day as water helps to remove toxins from the body and keep skin healthy. These simple tips can help you to grow better and also help to prevent skin from damage.