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In a world where gambling, competition, and addiction
have become human nature to most people, chances
are given everyday: chances for riches, chances
with women, chances to give others a chance. There
are those who live well in this world, wasting
money in casinos to fullfill their hardwired need
to gamble. Also, there are those in this world who
to living is a gamble. Drafts and debts have lead
many to be forcfully recruited to fight a war
founded on greed. This is to many their only chance
at life, so they're all but forced to live it.

This world is Earth only fifty years into the
future, but it's changed more in that time than it
has ever. Religon has all but been forgotten,
hospitality is no more than a word, and common
courtesy consists of not mugging someone walking by
you. This world is a ruined silhouette of it's
previous glory—a relative glory to the least. There
are those who wish to reestablish that glory, and
those few have created markets with simple supply
and demand. If this world is to ever reestablish
that glory, it must be rebuit. And as it is
rebuilding now, you are given the chance to help
build it...

Technology is not very high, although before WWIV
is was surging. Most, if not all, mechanical
devices, vehicles, guns, ammunition, ect. was
hoarded by the first people who survived the
plague, and later stolen by the Prencetti Empire,
making technology of any sort relatively rare, but
not nonexistant. Mercenaries are known to carry
guns and relatively high technology, but it is rare
in any sense. The Prencetti Empire is the known
holder of all looted technology.

North America is the only inhabited place left on
Earth. Mexico was shattered into hundreds of
islands, Canada has turned into one huge Ice Cap,
beaches being highly toxic due to the ocean leaving
pollutants in the sand, and everything West of the
Rocky Mountains being to radiated to inhabit. This
leaves a small area of land in what was the
Heartland of the United States.

Mutation Factor
The "Mutation Factor" is a term used to define the
changes in humans since WWIV. On a general basis,
everyone has a Mutation Factor, like being born a
gambling or drug addict even if their parents
didn't do drugs during the pregnancy or didn't have
the money for casinos. The mutation factor defines
the reasons why people actually are gambling or
drug addicts, it's literally mutated into their
geno. Beyond that, there are those who's mutation
factor is much higher, these people have abilities.
Their ability fall into two categories, telekinesis
or physical manipulation. Telekinesis is a general
term for Aerokinesis, Electrokinesis, Geokinesis,
Hydrokinesis, Magnetokinetis, Photokinesis,
Pryokinesis, Sonokinesis, Phsycokinesis, and a few
other powers. Physical Manipulation is the other
category, normally being increased strength, speed,
stamina, shapeshifting, ect.. Even the highest of
Mutation Factors do not award extremely strong
powers, and most powers are still bound by
conventional laws of science. Genereal Telekinesis
would maybe give you the ability to throw a car at
a high level opposed to a physical manipulation
power a of strength which would allow you to
passively move them.

Society is completely different from how it used to
be. There are only five general jobs for civilians:
Trader, Hunter, Farmer, Blacksmith, and "Dealer".
Traders can be traveling or stationary, meaning
they can either lug around a horse-drawn cart to
sell stuff town-to-town or they work in a market.
Hunters hunt rarly using guns, instead using
Compound bows or crossbows. Farmers normally grow
crops depending on what their local Traders say
demand wants, they also sell drugs on the side.
Blacksmiths, most the time the richest, fordge new
tools and weapons, theres only one about every two
towns, so they often work hand-and-hand with a
trader. Dealers are workers in Casinos... nothin'
to it. Houses are like they are now normally,
running water HAS been reestablished. Clothes are
often simple and bland, showing the kind of wearing
you would expect for one's profession. Horse and
Buggy is the normal way civilians get around.

The U.S.C. has became the government of the south.
It originally started as an organization thats
purpose was to protect people from gangs, but
eventually became a communist system of government.
The chairmen of the U.S.C. is currently Kenny
Prencetti. Post-purging has left the Gang-fighting
forces to become a military to fight the north, and
a draft has been imposed as well as higher taxes,
making this war penalizing for everyone in the
South. The U.S.C.'s soldiers are equipted with
guns, to be exact, any gun they can get their hands
on with ammo.

The Prencetti Empire
The Prencetti Empire is a different entity from the
U.S.C. It is souly lead by Kenny Prencetti opposed
to the Board of Leaders in the U.S.C. This group is
kept relatively secret, most civilians don't know
about it. It controls a large drug triangle, even
branching into the North, and, unlike the U.S.C.,
hires mercenaries which discretely assassinate or
fight the war. This is also where many of the
Assult rifles and bigger guns are kept, this for
"Public Security".

The North
A loose confederacy of settlements that has
affiliated themselves with suriviving Gang members
from the Purging. Due to the lack of Casinos, the
North can afford to pay for more mercenaries
meaning it's slightly smaller army can still fight
the war due to it's higher efficency. The North
doesn't tax near as harsh as the south, meaning the
people thrive much better. Instead, they make
schools mandatory, but teach household skills, Job
skills, and fighting skills, which is actually
considered a downside due to kids are normally used
to work.

Mercenary's Guild
Normally people with rather high technology,
fighting & military expertise, or a high Mutation
Factor that market themselves as mercenaries. They
fight for hire, and this is their guild. It is a
VERY, VERY loose affiliation, the guild itself
being small buildings with even smaller files that
give job ops(Job opportunities) to mercs scattered
though the north and south.

This is just some better explaination of the
setting, just to make sure things are clear.
There is a large difference between the levels in
technology of a Mercenary and a civilian or
soldier. Mercenaries may have technology that's
somewhat futuristic opposed to that of everything
else. An agent of the Prencetti Empire may have
similar tech.
Kerosene lamps are only primary lighting for
Gambling & Drug addiction are literaly part of the
human geno, keep that in mind, b/c you will need to
state that you specifically don't want those two
qualities later if you don't.
unfortunatly, most mercs don't have motorized
vehicles, horseback is normally their prefered way
of travel.
Most civlian houses do NOT have electricity, but
things like town halls, and important buildings
The North has a small army of it's own, it's
fighting forces are actually allied gangs and
The monetary system is exactly like the U.S.'s
currency system.
There are few to none non-guild affliated mercs.
There is MUCH confusion about how the Prencetti
Empire formed and the first few years after WWIV.
Only Twenty-two years have occured since WWIV.
There are estimated to be les than one million
humans left.

Your Role
You may... do about anything... that seems sound in
this RP.

Public Bio:
[b][u]Merc Name( Optional ):[/u][/b]

[b][u]Age you Appear to be:[/u][/b]


[b][u]Mount( Optional ):[/u][/b]


Private Bio:

[b][u]Physical features( E.G. Scars ):[/u][/b]

[b][u]Job:[/u][/b] Trader, Hunter, Mercenary, ect

[b][u]Affiliation:[/u][/b] Independant, Mercenaries
Guild, Precentti Empire, North, U.S.C.

[b][u]Mutation Factor:[/u][/b]

