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Energy Efficient Balanced flue gas fire line for modern homes

Most modern homes don’t have any traditional chimney exhaustion system. For today’s modern homes, balanced flue gas fire or closed combustion fires are the best options to choose. A balanced flue gas fire is highly efficient and perfect for modern gas appliances. In a balanced flue gas fire, a concrete flue is used to connect it with the outside atmosphere. This type of air combustion setup makes it a perfect fit for any home without any chimney!

All Balanced flue fires are glass-fronted and room-sealed appliances. Hence, your home’s atmosphere won’t get polluted by harmful gasses like carbon monoxide. With an attractive appearance, the balanced flue gas fire provides a great of comfort and coziness to your home. It maintains your home’s normal oxygen level and makes your home’s atmosphere safe. Its closed gas combustion system makes it highly energy efficient. Lastly, it is available in a great range of designs, styles, and shapes to choose from!