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As you continue exploring newer worlds while playing Minecraft, you will always be looking forward to getting some tips that will give you an edge over the others. Once you know them, your life is going to become easier in your journey. Actually, there is no end to learn while playing this game. Perhaps, this is the reason that has made it the most played game among the others. Highlighted below are some handy tips, you can get to learn more about details when you search for video seminars. If you are looking for battlefield 3 servers hosting the server at a very low cost.

Perhaps you never knew, you can actually place torches on furnaces and crafting tables. Likewise, you can also place blocks on the sides of a torch. For this, you need to keep hovering over the torch till you are able to spot a grid box. Again, you might have encountered the situation where you are under the threshold of falling sand or gravel. Instead of putting your hands down, you can place the torches under these falling items. This is going to help you in breaking them.

Remember, the torches in Minecraft are very capable of handling as many weight as you need to. This will help you in getting a clear visibility and additionally, you will be able to get time to make new roads for advancing. Preferably, your maxim should be to introduce wooden slabs wherever possible. These wooden planks are robust and are unaffected by fire or blasts. Also, remember to use signs and ladders as they are capable of withstanding water and lava.

If you are able to implement these ideas in your game, you will inarguably become a much better player now. So, what are you waiting for? Just go and show your friends how well you have prepared yourself to counter difficulties of any types.