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About eHRMS system.

• The system is a step in the direction of a fully automated Human Resource Management System with a target to bring all the government employees on the employee portal so that all processes of personnel management starting right from hiring to retiring will be on the digital platform.

• The software will give a comprehensive & combined view of the human resource deployed by the Government.

• It is designed in a way to obtain all management related inputs/reports through its Dashboard and all pendency of data updating as well as claims will be seen online by senior authorities that will instil more responsibility and accountability among all government servants.

• The system would also provide HR analytics for the Government and help the centre in deploying the right man at the right post and thus, extract the best out of an employee E-HRMS System.

How will it benefit the government employees?

• The system will enable the employees to not only see all their details such as w.r.t service book, leave, GPF and Salary but also apply for different kind of claims/reimbursements, loan/advances, leave, leave encashment, LTC advances and tours on a single platform.

• With this system, the employees will not be dependent for data updating on administration, but in fact, they will themselves be able to update the data with their login subject to verification by the concerned administration.

• The employees will also be able to track status and match details instantly.

Other Advantages

• The system would reduce file movement and speed up the process of service delivery.

• It would also assist in decision making, common document repository of employees and standardization of master data and minimise manual data entry.

• It would also make information sharing among stakeholders much smoother with the provision of e-sign for accountability and authenticity.

• It would reduce employee’s grievances to a certain extent.

• It would enable organisations to take many administrative decisions easily such as planning of recruitments and posting of an official to a task as per their experience and qualification.

• It will also help employees to concentrate more on public service once free from the personal anxiety of getting their due work done, which will, in turn, enhance public delivery and make more employees available for the core work of the Government.

• Availability of the centralized data will also assist the Government in policy research and planning.

• It will also enable the Government to take the transfer and posting decisions more pragmatically based on reliable first-hand data.

The modules will be fully functional by next month after completion of training to the employees. The remaining modules are expected to be developed by end of the fiscal year.