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How to match your wedding dress to your wedding season

Matching your dress to your wedding season is as simple as letting the weather be your guide.  The warmer months will call for dresses to be lighter and the cooler months allow for fun warm accessories to be added to your wedding dress to create the feel of the season.  Below is a short guide of suggestions on how to match your wedding dress to your wedding season.


Spring is about the renewal of nature and the warmer temperatures that are struggling to return.  For this season a long sleeved dress made of light material gives the feel that spring is coming but it is not quite time for the more revealing clothes of the warmer summer months.  Dresses with flowers embroidered into the skirt of the dress add that connection of the return of the spring flowers.


Warm and heavy materials are the ideal wedding dress fabrics.  The best thing about winter wedding dresses is that you can layer them so that you get the winter look for your ceremony and you can remove a layer at the reception to allow you to move around better and not over heat. 

For example a white wedding dress made of satin can be covered on the upper part with a faux fur wrap that hangs down to the elbows and then accessorized with long white gloves.  This ceremony part of the dress makes the bride look like she warm enough to stand in the snow.  Then once at the reception after the wedding pictures are taken the bride can remove the wrap to reveal the upper part of her dress.