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Being a volunteer for Girl Scouts is a very rewarding feeling, the volunteers change the lives of girls all around the nation. They contribute thousands of hours a year and are appreciated for the great work they do. Many exciting, flexable pathways are offered where Girl Scout volunteers can help out regionally, nationally or internationally. You can work directly or indirectly with the girls and for short or long-term basis. We will get all the instruction, guidance, and support that you will need to fulfill the responsibilities of your volunteer role successfully as you guide girls through the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Girl Scouts volunteers are a group of diverse men and women who have expertise, skills and interests who work together with other volunteers and staff to feed each girl's individuality and leardership qualities.

If you would like to become a Girl Scout volunteer but cannot commit to a regular schedule, you can coose other pathways that allow you to fit Girl Scouts into your schedule weather it be once a month, only weekends, evenings, or a certain part of the year.


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