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Baby, it's cold outside!

Besides all of the interior projects, I have also asked my husband to install some new windows.  It SOUNDS easy enough, right?

Well, considering we have 29 windows, that will be a costly venture.  However, I continue to remind my husband that the insulation value of the proper windows can dramatically decrease the expense of our heating bill.

So, we have investigated the cost of windows.  At Home Depot, the windows we have priced out are approximately $250/each, and that includes the screen.  If you are doing your math correctly, that brings us to $6,525.  And, for anyone who has done any type of home improvement before knows, you might as well round up due to unexpected costs.  So, I am thinking that the window installation will be around $7,500 (if my husband does all the labor himself).  If not, we will be looking at paying $10,000 for windows.

Well, just as I have done with the kitchen, I am looking at ways to decrease the costs involved.  So, what can I do?  I can remove unnecessary windows.



If you don’t use it, lose it!
That’s right, get rid of those windows that you don’t need.  For example, I currently have four windows in my bedroom side by side.  My husband and I agreed that we could get by with having only 2.  If the garage gets added to the kitchen as I have planned, then I wouldn’t want to have a window that looks out to the garage roof anyway.  So, that eliminates 2.  We are now down to $6,075.

OK, what else can we eliminate?
When we merge the bathroom and the mudroom together, we will only need one window for that room.  Hey, hey, hey!  Out goes one more, lowering the price to $5,825.  Oh, how I love it when that first number drops; this means we are making significant progress.plans

Well, let’s not stop there.  Our dining room also has 4 windows.  Again, if the garage is placed where I would like for it to be, I do not want to have windows looking at the garage, so we can take 2 more out of the equation.  Our final cost will be $5,325.  Now THAT is a figure that I can work with.
Keeping in mind that this price was obtained at the Home Depot (the highest of the home improvement stores that I have found), then we might be able to adjust that price even lower.

Now you might see offers in your newspaper from salesmen stating that they will install new windows in your whole house at a significant savings, but make sure you read the fine print.  Some of these “contractors” will start a job, take your money, and leave you with a hole in your house.  There goes the idea of energy efficiency!

To make sure that you are dealing with a top quality business, it is always safe to check the better business bureau.  (install their link here)

Now granted, my projects have not yet begun, but by drawing out the plans, whether it be on paper (which is best) or in your mind, you can have a good idea where to begin.

Some projects can appear to be very overwhelming, but once the details are laid out in front, even the largest project can be done.


Good luck on any home improvements that you plan to do in the near future.  And, if you happen to be very handy, or a window salesmen, please feel free to contact me through the BHC