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PAWS For Agility
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PAWS for Agility offers dog agility classes in the Scottville and Ludington, Michigan area. Our goal is to provide a training environment that is fun for both people and dogs. We use positive reward-based traiing that encourages enthusiasm for agility in the dog. Agility training can help develop the relationship between you and your dog. Agility helps build confidence in insecure dogs and provides a focus and outlet for rambunctious ones. PAWS for Agility classes are help in a fenced outdoor facility located in Scottville, MI. Directions for thje facility can be found on the contact link. A description of the classes we offer, schedule, and registration information can be found through the classes link. If you enjoy speinding time with your dog, agility is the way to go: there is simply no better way to have fun together. Agility is taught using positive reinforcement only. For both the dog and handler, agility is a challenging sport that exercises body and mind. I offer all I know to my students and all that I can learn through my experience and by attending seminars, camps and lessons with some of the top trainers in the world. My philosophy in agility has stayed the same since the beginning: To learn together with my dog, to have the most fun possible, and to make my relationship with my dog the best it can be. I love the sport for the competition, the challenge and the camaraderie, and I hope to project the importance of these things to my students.

My background:

I came from a background of training and showing horses. In July of 2005 I got Nikki a Rescue Border Collie. Realizing she needed a job, I began building agility equipment. We were both hooked from the beginning. She was absolutely the best dog for me to learn the sport with because of her endless enthusiasm and her uncanny ability to do what she was supposed to on course instead of what I was telling her to do while I tried to improve my handling. In October of 2005 I got Lilly, also a rescue BC, as a playmate for Nikki. Lilly was extremely shy and The following Spring I participated in my first Agility Trial and I was hooked.