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1st American Business &

Tax Services, LLC








Auto Calculators

Monthly auto loan payment calculator

Calculate your monthly auto loan payment.

How much should you put down?

Calculate your payment and more

Buying vs Leasing

Leasing, rather than buying a vehicle, can be a good option for some. If you lease, your monthly payments will be smaller than if you financed the purchase. Leasing, however, requires some contractual obligations, so it isn't right for everyone. Here are questions to help you determine what makes sense for you.

New vs Used

The average used car costs less than half the average new car. So, it's no surprise that used cars outsell new cars 3-to-1. Which is right for you? Simply answer a few questions and we'll give you our advice.

Great Rebate vs. Low Interest Rate

Rebate/Interest rate calculator. Great interest rate or fat rebate? This calculator will tell you which is the better deal. Fill in the information about your loan and rebate options and click "Calculate." Your best deal will appear in the window.

Is a hybrid car right for you?

Hybrid cars, which combine a gasoline engine with a battery-powered electric motor, are good for the earth because they use less gas and produce less pollution. But is a hybrid car right for you? Just answer the questions and we'll give you our advice.


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Last modified: 12/14/08