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Bandung car rental

Bandung a beautiful city which is the capital of the West Java province located 180 kms to the south east of the Jakarta the capital of Indonesia.Bandung is located at at about 768 meters above sea level on a plateau in the Parahyangan Mountains. This is the reason why it has cooler climate compared to Jakarta or Bogor.

Usually dubbed "Flower City" or "Parisj van Java" for its beauty, it is a popular weekend getaway for the people from Jakarta and its surrounding cities to come to shop at the numerous factory outlet shops that scattered the city and enjoy the relatively cooler weather of Bandung. 

Bandung Tourist Attractions

The terrain of Bandung is volcanic in nature and Bandung is surrounded by volcanos. At the northern part there is an active volcano called Tangkuban Perahu or if translated directly "an overturned boat" which leads back to an ancient folklore of Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi.

As the result of the past volcanic activity, the northern part of the city as well as alluvial deposits of the river in the south eastern part of the city have made the area around Bandung suitable for the cultivation of tea, coffee, tobacco, rice as well as cool climate fruits such as strawberries and blueberries.

Apart from the booming of factory outlets in the last five years or so, Bandung is actually an important place in the educational sphere of Indonesia. It is home to several private and state administered schools as well as sixteen universities. 

The most famous University in Bandung is the Institut Teknologi Bandung or ITB for short, it was established in 1920 under the Dutch who colonized Indonesia as Bandung Technisch Hogeschool. The school building was designed by Henri Maclaine Pont in a style which combined western elements with the local architecture as a result the ceremonial hall of the institute is topped by a typical Javanese style roof. The city is a magnet for students from all over Indonesia.

If you wish to come to enjoy Bandung make sure you hire the best Bandung car rental