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My Blog
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Whose that girl-Hilary Duff
Topic: Family

I guess, it was safe for you to say that my cousin was my best friend. But lately it feels like she is distanting herself from me and my family. We used to hang out together all the time, in the morning before school, we still do that, but after classes we used to wait for each other and walk with each other to our classes or to the place where we have to go our own way. Or after school, we would wait for each other. Now that her friend, Janice, came its like I'm in second place.

She makes me feel like crap. For her to spend time with me or even play a game, I have to beg and plead. I shouldn't have to do that. But why do I? Is it because I'm too nice or what? Maybe I should turn into a real bitch, like she has me portrayed in her journal.  (Yes I was being sneaky and read her journal.) Here, I supported her in her time of need, when she failed her TAKs test. Here, I got her to live in my house, so she could graduate. (Yes, we graduate this Friday, June 6, 2008) OMG here my mom is making my graduation party part of hers. When in reality, its just suposed to be mine! Am I that terrible of person to want to hang around with?

Posted by banditas1989 at 10:43 PM EDT
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