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Background Check Anyone! with Jac

My Favorite things about People Search and Background Checks

What is up my vanilla faces! You have reached my people search website, sorry I'm not home to take your call...just kidding! I want to clue you in on all the happens of people search and give you tips so that you can find people on your own! Every month I post some tips for you. In between I am hard at work at my own people search!

July Update!

Hot and shiny July is here! Everything is sparkling and it's time to hit the road for a little vacation. Check out these links, then plan that trip you've been wanting for oh so long.

Calories in beer
People Search

June Update!

Summer, summer, summer! I think that's what everybody (including YOU!) has been thinking. Yup, it's beach time. Plan that vacation now. Hooray summer! Now here's some hot links for ya. Haha, hot!
Air Conditioner
Find a Person
Find a Person

May Update!

May fools! Haha! Just kidding, guys. But I got you, didn't I? Are you getting ready for Cinco de Mayo everyone? It's gonna be insane! I'm heading down to El Torito for some tasty know! Okay...okay..on to the links. Enough blabber.
Public Records Now
Search For People
Coolio Spin-Offs

April Update!

April fools! Haha! Got you! Okay, really though, it is April and although many people play tricks and jokes on many others, I am not here to do that with you. I am here to give you the real deal, the inside scoop on everything there is to know about people searches, finding people online, etc. And you know I have the links to help you search people all over. People search engines are tools that help you find people online, and I just linked you to some! Now, I'm not just about people search. I also like funny stuff, like this list of Favorite Ulterior Motives. And believe it or not, I'm getting into fitness. To make things smoother, I want to use supplements, and there are some great ones at the vitamin shop. Okay, guys, talk to you next time!

March Update!

Ah March! I love you, month! So does everyone else, because my clients have my phone ringing off the hook. People just wanna meet people, I suppose. Good for me, good for friendship. Check out these people search engines. I consider my self a bit of a people search master. Trust me, I'll tell you how to find people. How about that crazy leap year business? Read Rant Farm - To the Leap Year.

February Update!

It's finally getting a little warmer around here! I hope the same is true for you guys, my loyal readers. Anyway, whenever it gets warm I get a hankering for meeting old friends. Apparently, so do my clients as I've been inundated with tons of requests for people search jobs. As a result, I'm getting more and more proficient at finding people. I could be cutting into my own business but who cares? I got into this to help people in the first place. And please, parents, make sure that you know how to keep kids safe online.

January Update!

Ah, the holidays are finally over. I must admit, despite the relief and rest I'll be getting now, I've already grown a bit wistful over the passing of the holiday season. Now it's back to the real world, as it were. We've been sending out want ads and getting lots of responses, so interviews will be coming up soon. I'm gonna need to do background checks, so I've been honing my weapons. Here are some great links if you're in the same position as me, whether you need to find a person or find unlisted numbers, or even if you need to know how to plan a family reunion.

December Update!

Christmas is lovely, isn't it? A wonderful time to catch up with old friends and family. I've been in touch with nearly everyone in my family thanks to people search! I found them all ages ago, so I don't have any updates on that front EXCEPT the strangest thing happened a few days ago. We got a young black man at the front door who claimed that he was a friend of our son's at Harvard who needed our help. It was a bit awkward since we had guests over for dinner. However, I quickly popped on the computer and realized he was nothing but a liar, so I sent him on his merry way. Good thing I know all about person search! Yes, unexpected guests are definitely one of the worst secret santa gifts

November Update!

Brr! It's starting to get chilly! At my house we're gearing of Christmas by dragging out all the decorations and getting the house ready for our tree! The Christmas tree is a favorite in my home. This year wouldn't it be great to reconnect with old friends and relatives? Try doing a people search to get basic contact info and reach out to those people who slipped through the cracks!

Find Someone
Find People People Like You

October Update!

Last post I told you all about how to background check the sitter and any people that work for you. I want to tell you about what happened to me last week as it illustrates why background checks are so helpful. We were looking for an assistant for my wife, so we interviewed a couple of candidates and there were two we both really liked. Running a background check on the two young ladies made our decision a snap. One young lady had a very quesionalble past, hard to believe as she is only twenty and seemed so smart and confident. She also had great references. Reminds me of the saying: "can't jusdge a book by its cover" In people search updates I have some more great links to recommend if you want to find people:
Search People
Find People
Finding People The Easy Way

Background checks are the coolest! I used to not think so, but then I had kids. You see, the thing with kids is that you cannot be with them ALL the time and keep your sanity. Some times you have to go out for a night with the DH (or DP) and have some fun adult time. The problem with this is that you wonder the whole time about the person you left your kids with, and then you can't have fun, which defeats the purpose of going out in the first place. The way to get around this is to do a background check on your sitter! Then you know if they have a criminal record or anything else. I do background checks on all the people that work for me. Call me paranoid, but whatever. I'll never be that person who gets taken advantage of by a criminal right under my own nose (or roof). I learned about background checks while doing a person search on a public records search engine trying to find a person online that I hadn't seen since high school. I found the friend, but moreso I found an invaluable resource. I'll update soon with some links you can use to find a person or do a background check.

September Update!

Hi! Can't believe it's been a whole month! Well I've been so busy getting the kids ready to go back to school, so I only have one link, but I think it's pretty good!

Background Search Blog

August Update!

Hello again! July was so hectic, I finally have some quality time to people search, and update this website so I can help you find people easier. I have been very dedicated to locating info on finding people these past couple weeks, and my efforts have not been in vain. I have a couple good sites for you this month. Here you go! Enjoy!

Address Find Blog

Find People the Easy Way

July Update!

I finally have has some time to update this silly little website that I started. The kids are out of school already and they have kept me busy for a couple of months. Their summer day camp didn't start until about a week ago, and I've just been trying to catch up and run errands I haven't had time to. But back to people searches. Like I mentioned before, you can't be with your kids all the time, and with them in camp, I can't help but worry. But, thanks to my background searching skills, I was able to search people at the camp online. I knew that I probably wasn't going to find anything because it is a very reputable camp, but it was nice to be sure. In my searches, I found some good sites and links I thought I should share with you.

Find Someone
Find a Person
Find Your Real Parents
The last one is really funny, but still has some good info.