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Latest web design trends concentrate on website navigation and scrolling

Web design trends keep changing on a regular basis. Some of the famous trends of today are the website's responsiveness, flat design, speed and performance and how to provide the perfect user experience. One very important aspect of the web design is related to its navigation or site menu.

What about the website navigation?

The unique aspect of it is that you just can’t seem to get the website’s navigation or menu down. No matter how much web designers play, experiment and do things with it, they just can’t seem to get it down. While some try hiding it behind an icon or just throw it up as though needed, it still does not look good.

Web designers such as regard navigation as a key component of design.  However many have still not been able to decide on the best way to showcase this important piece of content and make it usable, experimenting on it to find its best presentation is expected to be the year’s latest web design trend.

Do web designs need a scroll feature?

Another trend web designers are dumb struck about is whether the site should have a scroll feature or not. While some claim that it’s needed, others deny it. This is why you may find some sites with minimal scrolling and others embracing long scrolls.

Both have their own benefits and repercussions. While long scrolling feels rather natural and is much easier than clicking, it makes it difficult to scan for info and tends to space out content. On the contrary, though shorter scrolls help the reader quickly get to the point, it may be too quick at times wherein it leads to an increase in bounce rates.

So another web design trend you may find this year is web designers battling out on the site’s scrolling aspect. Though there are more long scrolling than short scrolling sites today, you never know what time has in store for you!