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The Requoitus of Eternity's Surrendered

In the year 10,600, this world known as Landron, was at the brink of an era. Developments in the use of magic had set the stage for a world of great majesty. That day, January 1st, 10,600, was the day the dragons rose from their slumber and laid waste to the world as they knew it. The Great Fire that ensued, reached the outter limits of the stratisphere, scorching the atmosphere. What lies between there and land is enshrouded in an ashen vale. In the year 20,600, the Ash surrounding the planet has finally dissipated to tolerable levels. Now is the time for excursion onto the surface of Landron. This is the year the first of those brave few, who dare take the task, of championing that which lies behind the wake of the dragons.

Hak and Override Links

Lilista's Cloak fix
Lilista's Social Hak Set
PCI Anthro v6
JenX Overrides
Optional Overrides - (only use the hands, bowstrings, the portraits if you like and the redbars if you like)
UOA Crafting hak
