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First, it was Facebook and now it is Instagram that has been driving people crazy thinking about who followed them and who unfollowed them. On Facebook, people are concerned about who stalks them and on Instagram; people are crazy about knowing who unfollowed them and stuff. Well, this craze doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon and people have been trying out different ways to know all that. Well, if you are our regular reader, you would know that we all the answers to your queries and we are doing the same this time, answering the most asked questions!

Well, there are two ways that you can get to know who unfollowed you because Instagram doesn’t notify it. So, let’s see the manual way first!

1.      The manual is possible only when you remember who used to follow and the exact number of followers you used to have. Then, if you see a reduction in a number of followers, you can check the follower list, scroll down, and see who unfollowed you. But this option is very time-consuming and doesn’t sound practical at all. This method is very problematic, so, let’s get to the other method.

2.      The second method is to use the third-party application for finding out who unfollowed you. But the Instagram has modified its API which has limited many applications from offering this type of work. But still, there are some authentic applications which will do the deed for you, so, have a look at the applications!

Follow Meter

When you download this third-party application, you can easily find out who unfollowed you, who stalks you, how popular you are, and who are your ghost followers. The application is available for iPhone and Android users and you will have to sign in with your Instagram account once you download this application. The application has been going well with the Instagram API and to be honest, that is the only reason you can see who unfollowed you. This option will be available on the dashboard easily.

Followers Tracker Pro

No, don’t get worried by the “pro” in this application’s name as it is completely free to download but you can have in-app purchases for access to extra features. The user interface is extremely intuitive and clean with friendly user experience. With this application, you can have a look at the followers that you have lost over the period of time, the new followers that you gained, and even the comments that were deleted. You can even check the ghost followers, who see your posts, give a like occasionally, but never comment or anything. The application is regularly updated to fix the bugs and other malfunctions. But this application is available only for the iOS users

Once you know the people who unfollowed you, there are two things that you can do;

  • Forget about them and focus on new followers
  • Try ways to get them back such as following them, commenting and Likes on instagram posts and all this will require efforts and time