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Specialist van insurance is what you need, if you are a white van man or woman. Specialized van insurance covers all the vans that are used either for private or commercial use that weighs below 3.5 tonnes.

Weight of the van



The weight of your van will be the first thing that will be taken into consideration by the insurance providers when they are offering van driver’s insurance. The size of your vehicle will be used for estimating the value and cost of repairing it. Therefore, with the increase in the weight of your van, the cost of insurance will also go up. The van will be rated o the basis of their plated weight or just the carrying capacity. Plated weight is the total of unladen weight of the van and the carrying capacity of the van.  






The area in which you van normally goes through will also be considered. If this area includes cities mostly, the prices of insurance would be high. The risk is higher inside the cities according to the insurers.



The nature of usage of your van will also play a major role in determining the cost of insurance. Own use will be a lot cheaper than commercial like haulage.

Tool Cover



Being a tradesman may require you to carry your tools in you van. If you are a tradesman, you should try to get the insurance policy fro providers who offer tools cover, which means that your tools will come under coverage. You can make a claim if the tools are stolen from the van. 



Shopping around



Finding out the specialized insurance providers and larger vendors is the key to finding good deals when it comes van driver’s insurance. 

You may be interested in catering insurance as well.