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Top 5 Advantages of Electric Vehicles

Description: in the recent months, electric cars have become extremely popular and it will surely impact the future

Cars emit a lot of carbon that gets ejected into the atmosphere that causes pollution and greenhouse gases. Due to this, inventors have thought of a positive way to keep cars on the streets without adding to the problem. They have come up with an electric car and when a person purchases an electric car, they are also given government subsidies for being considerate to the environment. It may cost more but there is a lot more positive side to this than negative.

1. Costs Less to Run

Those who own an electric vehicle are able to lower their running costs. To charge an electric vehicle, it only costs 1/3 as much in every kilometer compared to buying petrol. Aside from that, a lot of electric car companies offer incentives to get your money back from the government.

2. No Fuel Means No Emissions

The engine of an EV operates in a closed circuit, which means it does not emit any of those greenhouse gases linked to global warming. It does not require petrol or diesel, which is beneficia to the carbon footprint. No kidding! Hover here to know more.

3. Safe

Electric cars are given the same fitness and testing procedures as fuel powered cars. In case of an accident, the driver can expect that airbags will open up and electricity supply will be cut from the battery. This prevents the occurrence of serious injuries.

4. Easier to Maintain

Easier means cheaper too because this type of car has lesser moving parts compared to a conventional car. There is less servicing required and there are no expensive starter motors, exhaust systems, fuel injectors, radiators, and other parts. An electric vehicle does not need all of these and the only moving part is the rotor. The owner only has to maintain the tires, suspension and brakes to keep it running smoothly.

5. Performance

They are lighter and all of the power generates from the standing start so their acceleration capability is impressive. Aside from that, it is ideal for families too because they have more space than conventional cars because there is no large engine.

To know more on electric vehicles, always ask those who own 1 already because they can give opinions from experience which are mostly good.